Dianna Feinstein Could Be 1st Jew To Be 3rd In Line For US Presidency

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Patrick Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who is the longest-serving member of his party in the US Senate, announced this week that he will not run for reelection next year, setting the stage for Dianne Feinstein of California to be the first woman and first Jew to be the Senate’s president pro tempore, the third in line to the US presidency, JPost reports.

The president pro tempore presides over the Senate when the vice president is absent, and also has the power to name people to administrative positions and commissions. The Senate elects the president pro tempore, which means that the position is always filled by a member of the majority party.

There is no guarantee that Feinstein, who was elected to serve until January 2025, will get the job. Additionally, Feinstein, who is 88, is believed to be in ill health, and Democrats are not under any obligation to maintain the relatively recent tradition of nominating the longest-serving member of their caucus.



  1. Please get your facts straight. Diane Feinstein’s mother, Betty, was a Catholic. The confusion may lay in her mother’s maiden name, Rosenburg. Diane Feinstein attended a Roman Catholic school, Sacred Heart, for high school.
    Especially in America, Jewish-sounding last names are no indication of one’s Jewishness, unfortunately.

    • Nothing to worry about. She was coronavirused almost 2 years ago. You have to learn not to believe ANY reports. I have yet to come across a political current events that’s true. Most of them are recycled from several years ago or fabricated for the naive sheeple who buy everything mainstream tells them blindly without investigating. Which is why they were / are able to kill so many with their death shots.

  2. Diane is a rodef and rotziach. She doesn’t wear her disposable mask when she walks in public. Not in airports either. Who knows how many Americans she murdered with her selfish reckless behavior?


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