Did Joe Biden Really Say ‘End Of Message’ During His Bob Dole Eulogy? Yes, He Did.

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A clip of President Joe Biden reading a eulogy paying tribute to the late politician Bob Dole is making the rounds – especially the end of his message, where he reads aloud the sentence, “And the message said, end of message.”

Did Joe Biden really read out ‘end of message’ at the end of his eulogy?

The answer is: Yes.

Towards the end of his remarks at the congressional tribute ceremony for late senator Bob Dole, Biden read aloud the sentence, “And then the message said, end of message.”

He had just finished quoting a message from Dole himself.

“Our nation has certainly faced periods of division”, Biden quotes Dole as saying during his last public address. “But at the end of the day, we have always found ways to come together. We can find that unity again.”

Biden then says, “And then the message said, end of message.”



  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Rofl. Lmao. Lol. What a tippush! This old sack beans has got to hang it up already.
    I like how all the guests are sitting 18 inches away from each other. Oh, that will definitely stop the spread of Covid……. which is airborne.

  2. Does anyone even care that this country has no president? We are like a train rumbling down the track with nobody driving it. Russia is getting ready to invade Ukraine. China is getting ready to invade Taiwan. The world is a free for all because the United States has no president. Wake up you idiot Democrats! Soon there will be nothing left here.


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