Health experts saying wearing a mask provides protection against COVID-19 both for the person wearing the mask and those around them. Now we’re hearing wearing two masks may offer even more protection.
“Specifically what we’re saying is that two masks may actually equal the protection you would get from N-95 masks, which is considered the best mask there is short of a complete respirator-type unit,” Hnida said.
He said wearing a surgical mask with a cloth mask over it does give an extra layer of protection.
“The reason for that is you do wind up getting more filtration of viral particles, it becomes more of an obstacle course for the viral particle to make its way from the air into your nose and throat and then into your lungs.”
Read more at CBS4.
How about 3 masks? Or 4? What do our “experts” say about that?
Wearing a triple layer of plastic wrap is even more effective!
Really, once someone is vaccinated, the masking should be over for him (or her). If someone chooses not to vaccinate, that’s his choice – not his right to inconvenience other people.
Very shoddy reporting by Matzav. Who is Hnida? What is his/her real name? Is she a nidda? Why is that important? Who are the “group” of doctors? Can I wear 8 masks?
I had the same ha’ara. But I’m not surprised. After all, it’s matzav reporting.
And maybe we should also wrap our heads in saran wrap, and then cover that with aluminum foil? (making holes for our eyes)
No holes for the eyes, too dangerous.
Since masks are still required in many stores, our family’s triple-layer mask has been thinned down to a single “breathable” show-and-tell safe mask. We’re not ready to kill ourselves for others, sorry. Our lives over others, as Chazal say. If you’re afraid, do like these doctors suggest – wear double, triple masks and leave us out of it.
Farikte meshigene
The real experts are suggesting to suction a toilet plunger over the mouth and nose, thus delivering a double-wammy to covid by also enforcing social distancing (at least in front of you).
Very good. Like +