Rabbi Meir Hakohein Turnheim of Lod is a well-known figure in Israel. Rabbi Turnheim has managed to predict the results of the Israeli prime ministerial election since 1996, when Prime Minister Binyomin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres ran head to head.
Rabbi Turnheim, who comes from a lineage of rabbonim, is able to find the identity of the winner of an election from pesukim in the Torah. “It is such a crucial issue as to who will be prime minister in the Holy Land or who will be president of the world,” he said, “so one should try and decipher it in the Torah.”
He sat on the subject for long nights before the fateful elections that took place in Israel in 1996. By analyzing pesukim, he found in that week’s parsha a siman that Netanyahu would win, and indeed that is what happened to everyone’s surprise.
Rabbi Turnheim kept the issue quiet and decided to publish it only ahead of the very close elections held in Israel in 2015 between Netanyahu and Tzipi Livni and Buzi Herzog. Netanyahu won unexpectedly, and Rabbi Turnheim continued to publish his assessments in the chareidi media in every election campaign since. In all three recent elections in Israel, for example, he expected Netanyahu to win, even though all the “experts” claimed that Netanyahu would lose. The atmosphere in the Israeli media and on the street was that Netanyahu would lose, but that did not happen.
Rabbi Turnheim published his assessment of the 2016 U.S. election about eight months before it took place.
This time around, Rabbi Turnheim sees Trump emerging victorious over Joe Biden.
At the same time, he emphasizes: “I am not saying my own things here, but things I found in the Torah. Judaism teaches that the Torah contains the code of creation. In every election I have examined, I have seen that this method works accurately. I am absolutely convinced that this will be the case this time as well.”
About a month and a half ago, before the Yomim Tovim, Rabbi Turnheim met with Marc Zell, chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, and told him about his findings. Mr. Zell was happy to hear about Rabbi Turnheim unique method of analysis based on the Torah and assured him that he would pass the info on to President Trump.
According to Rabbi Turnheim, Trump’s victory appears in Parshas Vayeirah, Perek Yud Tes, in pesukim 1, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, and so on.
The words that emerge from these pesukim are:
טראמפ יעלה וינצח
טראמפ יעלה וינצח (פעם שניה בפסוק הבא)
דונלד טראמפ ינצח / טראמפ ינצח את גו ביידן
טראמפ ינצח את ביידן
טראמפ ינצח ויהיה נשיא ארהב
(טראמפ ינצח ויהיה נשיא ארהב (פעם שניה בפסוק הבא
דולנד טראמפ ינצח את גו ביידן ויהיה נשיא
טראמפ הוא המנצח. הוא יהיה הנשיא
The parasha for the week of Election Day is Vayeirah. I coincidence? I think not.
Very interesting.
That’s how his system works he chooses the Parsha of the election
I believed that the Torah Codes were real. That is up until Trump lost the election. Now what? Haven’t seen or heard a thing from Rabbi Turnheim. I am more disappointed in the Torah Code not being correct than I am about the outcome of the election. And I’m very very disappointed and concerned about the outcome of the election.
Its not over yet. Lets see what happens. Also, Rabbi Glazerson found before the election ‘Nasi (president) Biden’ in the Torah code with the year 5781 near it, so he was confused and didnt really know who would win. He felt that it may depend on our actions and admitted he couldnt really know this time. As we see, the code wasnt clear and neither is this election.
I’m not chapping the system but whatever you say.
Was he also the Rav in Israel in 2016 who clearly stated that Trump will win then or was it another Rav/Mekubal?
I love this stuff ! Just remember this will happen only if we are zocheh. May the geulah soon follow.
Torah Jews should not be engaging in such speculation or predictions.
We will get Whichever President we deserve
I don’t get the system, but there are mistakes in the psukim on the sheets.
In pasuk יט, the second-to-last word (‘הזו’) is extra. It doesn’t exist in the actual pasuk.
In pasuk כ, the first word on the second line should be ‘והיא’, not ‘והוא’. (later in the pasuk, ‘הוא’ is spelled correctly, though it is pronnounced ‘היא’.)
while its all very nice, let us remember that while the Torah is 100% true, those who learn it can be mistaken.
lets not forget that even R’ Akiva thought that Bar Kochva would be Moshiach. And whatever the pshat was, it didnt end up being so.
Al achas kama v’kama, this [presumably] choshuva yid, while he may indeed (though definitely strange sounding) have a good method and understanding of how to see things from the psukim, he is no Navi, and we are very far removed from the Dor of R’ Akiva.
“we are very far removed from the Dor of R’ Akiva.”
Well not exactly, if you live here in Brooklyn like we do. Torah in the City has been outlawed by our wicked Governor and Mayor! All our younger children are learning clandestinely in undisclosed basement locations. It’s a tremendous chesed the host/hostesses are doing. If they are caught by the mosrim, they would be hit with draconian fines and violations. Kudos to all the Rebbe’s and Morah’s who are doing unbelievable work under the circumstances. Hkb”h yishalem sicharam… May HKBH remove this gzaira from upon us and reopen all the batei kniseyos, batei midrashim, & bais yaakov’s fully.
I’m smarter, I make my predictions only after the elections
Its not over yet. Lets see what happens. Also, Rabbi Glazerson found before the election ‘Nasi (president) Biden’ in the Torah code with the year 5781 near it, so he was confused and didnt really know who would win. He felt that it may depend on our actions and admitted he couldnt really know this time. As we see, the code wasnt clear and neither is this election.
Wrong !!!…..Well Rabbi you blew it on Trump! Further more I believe Netanyahu will be removed this election .Daniel 7;25 ‘they[Israel] will be given into his hand Time[3.5yrs] Times[X3.5yrs] & a half a Time[+ 1.75yrs] ‘ = 14yrs. So sayeth our God through our Prophet Daniel……Maranatha Shalom…..old Messianic Jew.