Dr. Anthony Fauci to Go Into Quarantine After Contact With Infected White House Staffer

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the public face of the nation’s coronavirus response, will go into a “modified quarantine” after interacting with a White House staffer who has tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Fauci himself has not tested positive and is deemed a “low risk” because he did not come into close contact with the staffer. Fauci will work remotely, wear a mask, and be tested every day, though he told CNN he may come into the office if he’s the only one there. He has so far tested negative. Robert Redfield, the director of the Center for Disease Control, will also go into a two-week quarantine after contact with an infected White House staffer. Aides to Vice President Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, and President Donald Trump have all tested positive. Read more at CNN.



  1. Fauci will self-quarantine = house-arrest
    be tested every day = daily interrogations
    modified quarantine = will be out of house-arrest on Monday to testify in front of the senate
    Fauci and Gates have been indicted for genocide. “War crimes with intent to commit mass genocide by demonstrating activities that create a low immune system and murder by vaccine.”

    • You’re crazy you know that? I don’t usually like to post comments to ignorant people but this is beyond belief.

        • Ignorant conspiracy theorist is an oxymoron. A conspiracy theorist is an intelligent person who’s done research. Ignorant are guys like you and the one above.

        • i dont’t think he’s like many Matzav posters. I think all the conspiracy theory posts come from the same one guy…..

          • If that’s the case then the poster is a genius or prophet or whatever because whatever he/she writes turns out to be true. This post of 7:46 am is a good example. Matzav.com just reported his upcoming Senate testimony. We should actually be on the lookout for these conspiracy theory posts. Wonder where this know-it-all gets his stuff from.

  2. To Anonymous at 12:59: It was reported in the news last week already that Congress may call down Dr. Fauci to testify.


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