There is a potential avenue for MLB to have a season that includes some fans in its stadiums this year, albeit not nearly at full capacity, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NY Post reports.
Just don’t bet on it, the country’s top expert on infectious diseases told YES Network’s Jack Curry on Monday.
Fauci reiterated that MLB’s idea of having a shortened season with games played in one or a handful of cities without any fans and with strict guidelines is a more feasible way to play during the coronavirus pandemic. But another version of the plan could limit the number of fans in a stadium, seat them spread out to observe social distancing rules and make sure they are wearing masks, Fauci said.
“That is possible,” Fauci told Curry on an episode of “Yes We’re Here.” “But as you said, and I affirm what I have been saying, it’s going to be the virus that determines what the timetable is. Because if we get the virus under really good control and certain regions of the country can get gradually from the gateway to the phase one to the phase two to the phase three, it is conceivable that you may be able to have some baseball with people practicing physical separation. Namely, you don’t pack a stadium. I think quite likely, although it’s always dangerous to predict, I think it’s more likely that you’re going to have more of a television baseball than a spectator baseball.” Read more at NY Post.
Fauci is currently under investigation for his $3.7 BILLION dollars grant to the Wuhan lab.
They report these nonsensical articles just to keep his name afloat. Remember when they did that to Hillary, Obama, RBG and others who are not in public anymore? These silly articles are a clue that they’re not around.
Interesting. But yet our new daas torah, the doctors, have paskened that Yeshivos and Shuls must remain locked until kingdom come, so to speak. Go figure. The misyavnim have taken over Yiddishkeit and no one says a word. Oiy meh hayu lanu?
Just start your own safe backyard minyan. It is possible to do both: practice 13 feet social distancing and keep up proper davening. There is nothing against any governmental laws and regulations if you do it right. Same with “Daas Experts” – there is no halachic reason to abide by this nonsense. By the way, it was the same “experts” who exposed our community back in February and first half of March by assuring us that mega barweddings were all OK. These idiots exposed most our community back in the first half of March – most of the damage in our community has been done then, most frum fatalities got infected then, since this virus can take anywhere between 2 to 6 weeks from exposure to death, and now this same “experts” have a chutzpah to continue with their gibberish in order to save face. Basically, we may or may not have a say if shuls are open, but we can make our own minyanim with all the proper social distancing precautions of course. Mi Lashem Eilai! Stop being afraid of your supposedly frum neighbors, and do what’s right. It is possible to walk and chew gum at the same time.
To growing concerned,
We are not talking about playing baseball right now. I’m assuming by the time baseball can open, the shuls will also allowed to be reopened.
If we keep following the doctors to the grave like we are now we may have baseball before we have shul. And you’ll have egg all over those who couldn’t figure out a way to open the shuls safely before they figured out a way to play baseball safely. Watch. It’s gonna happen. Because this was grossly mishandled from the beginning
The expert who was involved in creating the virus.A typical move by a leftist create a problem then give advice how to overcome it.