Dr. Gottlieb: COVID-19 Moving Into Endemic Stage In United States

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COVID-19 will move to become more of an endemic virus in the United States rather than a pandemic once the country moves past the current wave of infections caused by the virus’ delta variation, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said Friday.

“It is still a pandemic in a lot of parts of the world where you don’t have high vaccination rates, but we’re now going through the process,” Gottlieb, also a member of the board of vaccine maker Pfizer, said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” “It’s not a binary point in time but after we get through the delta wave this will be more endemic.”

That means that there will be “persistent infection through the winter months” that will be “pervasive but not at the levels we experience now,” he explained.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Had there been a mageifa, there’d been dead people on the streets all over. How many dead did anyone come across in 2020??? The mageifa was only in hospitals in 2020 and in 2021 after the jabs.


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