After two months of closure, shuls in Eretz Yisroel will reopen tomorrow after a decision by a Ministerial Committee chaired by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, with Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, Maj. Gen. Meir Ben Shabbat, and Health Ministry Director-General Moshe Bar Sim Tov.
A hearing on the matter today took about an hour and a half and was attended by Motti Bakchik, Litzman’s counsel, and the legal advisers of the relevant offices. At the end of the discussion, a decision was made to allow davening in shuls tomorrow morning.
According to the outline handed down, davening will be held with up to 50 people in each space, while keeping two meters between mispallelim, along with disinfection kits and the wearing of masks.
In addition, the Ministry of Health’s guidelines require shuls to prevent the use of tashmishei kedusha in the shuls, and every mispallel must bring his own siddurim from home and only he can use them. The Ministry of Health also recommends that there be permanent people who will oleh at krias haTorah.
To maintain hygiene, shuls must clean the premises every evening, while having a variety of disinfectants in the shul for mispallelim.
The Ministry of Health emphasizes that anyone in a risk group will not be allowed in shul.
Next week, the team will discuss the possibility of increasing the number of mispallelim.
Chief Rabbi of Israel Rav Dovid Lau urges the general public to pay close attention to the rules and to adhere strictly to them to prevent forced closure of shuls once again.
{ Israel}
The picture shows Zichron Moshe
Which is funny because they never really closed……
מזל טוב
Are the Tzioynim using the Chareidim as Lab mice to see what happens in crowded gatherings?
Comment is distasteful..
Should read instead *tashmishei kedusha*
For idiots like there is no hope.
Usually, the corona virus affects the lungs. In your case, it attacked your brains and heart. Ask Trump to share with you his snake oil and hydroxychloroquine .
70 % of the Tziioni virus victims were brought in by the galus hobos.They infected the Holy Land with tumah.
That’s ain’t so. Most of the infected as well as most of the fatalities of the coronavirus in Eretz Israel were and still are concentrated in the haredi neighborhoods of Yerushalaim, in Bnei Braq, Beit Shemesh, Elad, Modiin Illit, Beitar Illit. Then, how did they get infected with US-imported virus? Because the charedim also travel to the US or from the US to Eretz Israel for family affairs.
By the way, Giddy Gitty, who infected the charedim in Williamsburg, Boro Park, Monsey, Spring Valley, Kiryas Yoel?
And who infected the Satmar Rebbe, the one in upstate NY, and his relatives? The Tziionim?
Giddy Gitty, you are not responsible for the idiotic education you got as a child. But you are responsible for using your mind in a secheldig manner. Boreh Olam gave you brains. Use them !!!
One more thing, Giddy Gitty. Do you have an explanation for the low number of coronavirus casualties in Eretz Israel (infected: 16,700 of which only approx. only 3,000 are still active and fatalities: 279), a country of 9.2 million residents, versus the large number of corona casualties in Boro Park, Williamsburg, Stamford Hill, etc. which are after all small, chareidi populated neighborhoods? It is because Eretz Israel benefits from a special, divine protection (שמורה מן השמים) which is not available in Chutz La’Aretz.
Use your brains !!! Think !!! It will do you good.