People who received COVID-19 vaccines are less likely to die from other causes than those who are not vaccinated, according to a report published Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The study, led by Stanley Xu from Kaiser Permanente Southern California, took into account people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines, finding that those who received multiple doses of any vaccine had lower mortality rates than those who received only one dose.
“A cohort study was conducted during December 2020–July 2021 among approximately 11 million persons enrolled in seven Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) sites,” the report said, referring to a joint project by the CDC and nine healthcare organizations that gather electronic data on vaccines for clinical studies. “After standardizing mortality rates by age and sex, this study found that COVID-19 vaccine recipients had lower non-COVID-19 mortality than did unvaccinated persons.”
Read more at JPost.
I guess we have the cure for cancer now
Not only that. Anyone that gets vaccinated and continues to wear a disposable mask & social distances (and only davens where there are plastic partitions by the bima) will live forever. Everyone else is going to die.
Shows how much you can trust CDC.
All I can say is “snort”!
SO, they effectively proved that the vaccine is unhelpful for Covid no?
No sane person claims this vaccine has any real bearing on other ills and ailments.
SO the fact that those who are vaccinated seem to be more protected from other ‘mortalities’ should tell us that the fact that they are protected from covid has nothing to do with the vaccine either.
The whole thing is fertilizer.
I got two shots + 18 booster shots so that I can live forever.
Get vaccinated.
Study Claims Vaccinated People Less Likely To Die From ANY Cause other than from vaccine.
They did not say the vaccine protects you from anything.
They said that vaccinated people are dying at a slower rate.
Obviously: People who listen to doctors take the vaccine.
People who listen to doctors die at a slower rate than people who don’t listen to doctors.
It does make sense.