ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER: Arab Sewage Runs Into Nachal Tekoa in Gush Etzion as PA Sanitation Dump Collapses

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On Friday, large amounts of sewage polluted Nachal Tekoa in Gush Etzion, after the Palestinian Authority’s al-Maniya sanitation dump partially collapsed, causing a serious environmental hazard.

After the south-eastern part of the sanitation dump collapsed leading to the flood of sewage being released into the environment, Gush Etzion Regional Council Head Yaron Rosenthal estimated that thousands of cubic meters of sewage had run off into Nachal Tekoa and from there into Midbar Yehuda. “It’s a difficult sight and there’s a lot of damage,” said Rosenthal. “The residents of Ma’ale Amos, Ibei HaNahal, and Tekoa will suffer from the dangerous pollution, and animals and plants will be seriously harmed.”

Rosenthal said he would demand the Israeli government take action against the PA dump, saying: “We will continue the legal process against the operations of the al-Maniya dump, which embitters the lives of the area’s residents. This is a reminder of that, that we can’t let the Palestinians create an incineration site near Neve Daniel, in an area that is lawless when it comes to environmental protection,”




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