i24 News A top epidemiologist warned of the possibility of Israel’s bird flu outbreak jumping to humans. Professor Amnon Lahad, chairman of Israel’s National Council for Community Health, said he is tracking the outbreak.
“The widespread nature of the avian flu is very concerning, especially given that it is infecting chickens and not just wild birds. It’s made the move from wildlife to stock animals, and I’m hoping it won’t make the next step to humans,” he said.
On Wednesday, Israel’s Health Ministry urged the public to take precautions against the significant outbreak.
Citizens were warned to avoid coming in contact with sick or injured birds and not to hunt such animals. People should also only purchase chicken and eggs from regulated places with inspection stamps.
However, Lahad clarified that humans are “highly unlikely” to catch avian flu from eating infected birds or eggs.
Lahad did warn that “it could be transmitted through contact with sick birds — not from touching or eating them, but rather through the same method we know from Covid, namely droplets passing into the respiratory system.”
{Matzav.com Israel}
Quickly! Get the 5th jab.
Thank God I don’t live in Israel. Such an oppressive country.
Probably another gain of function lab-created pathogen.
If the Health Minister who’s on the Fiser payroll and the one forcing the citizens to vax is alerting about the bird flu it’s another scare tactic to scare the citizens and bring on the next shot.