Unconfirmed reports have quoted other “unconfirmed reports” claiming that President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, has reached out to the organizers of the 13th Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi to inquire about the possibility of President Trump attending the Siyum.
The Siyum, organized by Agudath Israel of America, will be held on January 1 at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey.
Matzav.com has spoken to event organizers, who say that, to their knowledge, this supposed correspondence never happened.
“It sounds like the typical story that people like to spread rumors about,” a source told Matzav.com.
A source involved in the security of the event pointed out that the Siyum HaShas will actually be classified as the highest level security of any event other than a presidential visit, but there are no plans from President Trump.
“President Trump has proven himself to be a great friend of the Jewish people,” remarked a resident of Brooklyn, NY who says that he will be attending the Siyum, “but I think there’s a better chance of him starting to learn Daf Yomi than actually attending the Siyum!”
At the time of the Siyum, Trump is expected to be spending his New Year’s vacation at his resort, Trump National Golf Club, a private golf club located 45 minutes from MetLife, on Lamington Road in Bedminster, New Jersey, approximately 40 miles west of New York City in Somerset County.
{D. Stein-Matzav.com Newscenter}
The Siyum Hashas is totally not the place for a not frum politician. It isn’t meant as a political event so there is no reason for such a politician to come.
Even so if Trump was asked to speak there I would put it about a ten percent chance he would accept.
Of course that would turn the Siyum HaShas into a total circus with protesters outside and possibly even trying to hijack the event from the inside.
But why speculate on something as ridiculous as the idea of Trump coming to the Siyum Hashas to begin with?
Interesting note: The Siyum HaShas does seem to attract interest in attendance from total outsiders who you really wouldn’t expect.Last Siyum HaShas there was an editorial in a vitriolically anti frum newspaper bitterly complaining about why doesn’t Agudah invite their community of (mostly intermarried) Jews. Why is this event limited to frum people? Etc.
(Yes I realize they didn’t actually want to come.They just wanted to complain about Agudah not reaching out to them. Still it never it would have occurred to me that this group would complain about not being invited to the Siyum Hashas anymore than they would complain about not being invited to a Kiruv lecture)
Yes he will. In a private conversation he told me that he would be delivering the Hadran.
I heard Ben Shapiro was going to say the Hadran
The President is mekushar to the Lubavitcher Rebbeh shlita and Lubavitch is not part of daf yomi.
Thank you for finally speaking the truth.
He will be at Mar A Lago where he always is on New Year he only goes to his NJ club in the summer.
He is too coming.
In my mikva I heard that not only is he coming he is giving a Shiur Klloli on all of Shas.
After that he is starting a new initiative for the Oilem to learn Mishnoyis that there is no Gemorah on. To be finished during the Daf Yomi cycle.
I confirmed it in the coffee room of my shtiebel where they said Agudah is denying it for security reasons.
My shviger told me that Agudah got the Trump reelection campaign to pay for the entire costs of the Siyum HaShas in exchange for him speaking.
We will have a wall there and it will be GREAT.
The gevirim and knockers will have a mizrach vant to sit at.
דונלד טראמפ = הדרן הדפי יומי = 424
הדרן 5+4+200+50 =259
99 = 5+4+80+10 הדפי
66 = 10+6+40+10
424 =
דונלד 4+6+50+30+4 = 94
טראמפ 9+200+1+40+80=330
424 =