i24 News An unusual divorce law in Israel left an Australian father of two unable to leave the country for almost 8,000 years following a child support claim filed by his ex-wife.
Noam Huppert, a 44-year-old foreign national of Australia, moved to Israel in 2012 in order to be closer to his family. His ex-wife then filed a “stay-of-exit” order against him, prohibiting Huppert from leaving the country for any reason until he pays “future debt,” from child support payments, which amounted to $3.34 million in 2013.
Until the father pays the total amount, he is banned from exiting the country before December 31, 9999, with no potential for work or vacation exemptions.
“Since 2013, I am locked in Israel,” Huppert explained.
The father is thought to be one of many foreign nationals stuck in the country due to the divorce law.
He said that other Australian citizens like himself are “persecuted by the Israeli ‘justice’ system only because they were married to Israeli women,” according to News.com.au.
British author Marianne Azizi, an activist promoting awareness of the situation, estimated that “hundreds” of Australians could be stranded abroad in such cases.
“This is a highly guarded secret,” Azizi said, News.com.au reported.
“If other foreign nationals are similar, I could guess hundreds (of Australians) are there,” she added.
The tzibur charedi should be aware that there are those who abuse the law in Israel having their husbands banned from leaving Israel sans halachahic justification. In such instances the GET is often invalid leaving the woman at best a safek aishes ish.
Rule #1 in any divorce: the woman is ALWAYS right!
All men are incompetent sick evil one track mind. Every woman should automatically have full custody of the children, no questions asked. A woman is allowed to go straight to a goyishe court, avoiding those pesky beis din.
At least Noam Huppert is able to be in Israel, unlike we who cannot even get into Israel.
But it could be a violation of international law, holding back a foreign citizen, and something for the Australian embassy to be assisting their citizens with.
At least he gets to live for 8.000 years.
Two children, $3.34 million ?? Thats $7,731.50 per month per child. $185,544 per year in child support. He must be really rich to have to pay such exorbitant child support. Something here doesnt add up.