Fauci: Definition of Fully Vaccinated Will Be Changed

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Leading infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday that changing the definition of fully vaccinated to include booster shots is a matter of “when, not if.”

“I don’t see that changing tomorrow or next week, but certainly if you want to talk about what optimal protection is, I don’t think anybody would argue that optimal protection is going to be with a third shot,” Fauci said on CNN.

But according to Fauci, the term fully vaccinated is merely a “technical, almost semantic definition,” calling it a description of requirements related to things such as attending classes or working in a workplace.

“For me, as a public health person, I just say get your third shot – forget about what the definition is. I just want to see people be optimally protected.”

Fauci’s comment comes amid an emerging debate over what is considered fully vaccinated. Pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer reported on Wednesday that three doses of its coronavirus vaccine may offer significant protection against the omicron variant, while just two doses of the vaccine see a large drop in antibody levels against the strain. That led the company’s chief scientific officer Mikael Dolsten to say that being fully vaccinated should include three doses of a vaccine to cover omicron. Read more at US News and World Report.



  1. Another publicity seeking comment by Fauci.

    While I am personally heavily pro-vax, Fauci’s self seeking publicity pronouncements just muddy the waters and give antivaxxers emotional (though illogical) support.

  2. Just three doses…wow. Not subject to increase to a fourth and beyond, of course.
    They originally promised that “only” one shot would end the pandemic…


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