Fauci: US ‘Definitely’ Saw Variants Coming, But Omicron Mutations ‘Unprecedented’

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Dr. Anthony Fauci claimS that while health officials expected variants of COVID-19, the omicron variant showed “unprecedented” mutations that even caught experts off-guard, Fox News reports.

The omicron variant has driven new cases to alarming levels in the past two weeks, causing some universities and businesses to mandate boosters or adopt more severe restriction measures again in an echo that reminds people of the early phases of the pandemic.

Vice President Kamala Harris claimed this week that the Biden administration “didn’t see” the delta or omicron variants coming, but Fauci said that health experts had warned about variants – just not variants of this specific kind.

“We definitely saw variants coming,” Fauci said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “What was not anticipated was the extent of the mutations in the amino acid substitutions in omicron, which was really unprecedented.”

The omicron variant developed 50 mutations – a significant increase over the delta’s variants 10 or so mutations. Most alarming is that 30 of the mutations occurred on the spike protein, which is what helps the virus potentially evade the heightened protection produced by vaccines. When you have so much replication going on in the community, to give a virus enough opportunity to replicate, you know it’s ultimately going to mutate, and sometimes those mutations wind up a new variant,” Fauci explained. “That’s what happened with delta, certainly that’s what happened with omicron.” Read more at Fox News.



  1. Top scientists have actually been warning since the beginning of the vaccine roll-out that mass vaccinations during a pandemic are going to cause these variants, as the virus fights back. So if Fauci says that this variant wasn’t anticipated, he’s either lying or ignorant.

  2. He’s lying his head off every time he opens his big fat disgusting mouth. So far the reports out of South Africa as well as other places are that this is not as bad as he is making it. It’s not bad, it’s not that bad! It’s far wimpier BH than the Delta virus. It’s about time people in this stupid country stop listening to this piece of trash.

  3. To worry about this Omicron variant is stupid bureaucracy at its worst. No one is getting very sick from it. Health experts agree that getting Covid after a vaccine leaves you heavily protected against any future Covid illness. Hence, this variant is a blessing in disguise and lock downs and shutdowns are a totally useless waste.

    Government officials and others who issue dire warnings about the Omicron virus spreading are either power hungry people or ignoramuses that shouldn’t be in any position of power.

  4. Fauchi is a BIG FAT liar!!! He has no idea what he is talking about. Nothing what he thinks and says makes sense. He shud’ve been and should be NOW FIRED!!! and jailed for life. He’s a criminal.


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