FBI To Conduct Internal Review Of Former NSA Flynn Probe

Michael Flynn, former national security adviser (left), arrives at the U.S. Courthouse in Washington on Dec. 1, 2017. MUST CREDIT: Bloomberg photo by Andrew Harrer.
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The Federal Bureau of Investigations will conduct an internal review of the probe into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

On Friday, the FBI announced it will review the investigation to see if there was any misconduct on behalf of the agents involved in the case and if any disciplinary action is needed.

It is unclear how many of the investigators linked with the probe are still part of the FBI, but many of the key figures, including ex-Director James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe and agent Peter Strzok are already out.

Read more at i24NEWS.



    • Reb Yid, if you ain’t like no America, pack and go elsewhere ! How about going back to Satmar or Grossvardein? Romanians and Hungarians love Jews. Dead Jews, only dead Jews.

      • Sorry but many of us agree with Comment #1

        What does this have to do with Satmer?

        Would you like it if C’V the FBI and the DOJ went after you for political purposes and ruined your life? Would you also suggest they investigate themselves after it was found to be corrupt?

        Rubashken was more than enough to show us how corrupt they are. Now every Dick and Harry knows how corrupt the FBI and DOJ are. They have no problem ruining people’s lives

  1. Chris Wray is so corrupt, he makes the duffus, James Comey, look like a choir boy. The fact that Wray allowed Peter Sztrok & Andrew McCabe go about their business of bringing down a sitting President is all the reason to have this corrupt bum thrown in prison along side them!


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