The Food and Drug Administration cautioned people not to take the drug Ivermectin, intended to fight parasitic worms in livestock, to treat or prevent COVID-19.
The FDA’s warning on Saturday echoed a message Friday by the Mississippi State Department of Health, which released a statement following reports that an increasing number of people in The Magnolia State were using the drug to prevent a COVID infection, The New York Times reported.
Studies last year – especially in Latin America – inspired people to use the drug against COVID-19.
In February, though, the National Institutes of Health said that most of the Ivermectin-related studies “had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations.”
The NIH cited small sample sizes and often-unclear study outcome measures.
The Times reported that more than two-thirds of recent calls placed to Mississippi’s poison control center were related to “ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of Ivermectin purchased at livestock supply centers,” the state department of health said in a release.
Read more at NEWSMAX.
What the FDA is saying (in an extremely misleading way) is not to take the LIVESTOCK version. The human version (used mainly for parasites, head life and river blindness in Africe) won a nobel prize just a few years back for being one of the greatest medicinal discoveries in the past decades, and has an extremely safe profile over the past 40 years, and has recently been studied for use in a whole range of viruses.
Of course, the FDA (and all of you idiot media parrots) won’t say it like that. If they would responsibly make the regular version highly available, like they have in 20 countries, then people would make this mistake. By the way it costs only a few cents a pill to buy…
People (and you media people) when you read (or copy and paste) a news story please remember to do at least a cursory research to see if they are being misleading!
Actually, the article implies that, despite everything you posted, they said not to take the human version either, presumably only because that is not part of the agenda.
Thank you very much for the information about the excellent drug Ivermectin; yes, it has had dramatic success against many severe parasite infections, has had further good success against virus infections, and recently has shown brilliant success against the Covid problem.
Yes, like they did with other brilliant cures for Covid, for example, Hydroxychloroquine and Chlorine Dioxide, the evil FDA-Fauci & Co. is putting out blatant lies and deceptions against Ivermectin. While there is an animal version of it, which probably does have additives that are not fit for human consumption, Ivermectin is ABSOLUTELY NOT a “Livestock drug”!! It is a HUMAN drug that is a very good cure for Covid.
The evil FDA-Fauci & Co. though, do not want there to be any true cure for Covid, as they must keep the illness crises deception going on and on so that they will have an excuse to keep locking us down and ruining us. They must further stretch out and amplify the fear of the illness crises in order to convince us to take their severely deadly hyper-poison Covid vaccine AND DIE from it. For they must fulfill the dictates of their evil globalist masters to sharply eliminate most of the world’s population, Rachmana Litzlan.
The discovery for which the Nobel prize was awarded, was the drugs ability to fight diseases caused by parasites such as malaria. What does that have to do with/ the novel coronavirus?
More bovine digestion byproducts, brought to you by Fauci and Co. I don’t know if Ivermectin is effective or not in treatment of the glorified cold virus they call covid, but I do know that Ivermectin IS a medication that is used for humans. It is sold under brand name of Stromectol among others, and is used to treat parasite infections, such as head lice, scabies, whipworm, river blindness, filarial worms, roundworms, and other nasties. In fact, I would recommend Ivermectin for the Fauci cult members: not for covid, but for the worms that must have infested their brains.
They should take whatever works. Ivermectin works. There are over 200 studies to prove this. It is a safe drug.
if you guys are parasite-ridden, go ahead and take your ivermectin and most important of all, please stay away from the rest of us.
But on the other hand, cow flatulence is damaging the ozone layer.
The FDA has lost ALL THEIR CREDIBILITY with their approval of the lethal shots. Anything they say, do the opposite.
The New York Times newspaper — more correctly, the New York SLIMES newspaper — reports that they (the FDA in its warning to stay away from Ivermectin) are all worried about some poisons that are not even in Ivermectin itself, but are rather in its version for animals. However, right on this very day, the FDA gave full official approval to the use of the severely-deadly-blood-clotting-DNA-changing-not-fully-tested-poisons of the new Pfiezer Covid vaccine, which has already caused the death of well over one hundred thousand people.