Feds Look To Speed Up Full Approval Of Pfizer Vaccine

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The FDA is ramping up its timeline to fully approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s two-shot COVID-19 vaccine, amid the surge of infections gripping much of the US.

Health officials have an unofficial deadline of Labor Day or sooner to fully approve the manufacturers’ vaccine, which is now one of three approved on an emergency basis in the US, according to The New York Times.

That accelerated timetable would require an “all-hands-on-deck approach” to green light the vaccine several weeks before President Biden’s stated goal of early fall, the report said.

The government’s official rubber stamp is considered a tool to drive up stagnant vaccinate rates as cases soar, because a number of private and public agencies are expected to require vaccinations once doses are fully approved, according to the outlet.

Officials also hope final approval would help assuage the fears of those who are worried about the safety of vaccines, and help clear up legal issues about mandates, the report said.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. “I can tell you, as a doctor and this is my book of business. I’m in my fourth decade of doing this, I can tell you, this program should have been shut down in February, based on safety…it’s going to go down as the most dangerous biologic medicinal product roll-out in human history…”

    Dr Peter McCullough MD is a Professor at Texas A & M College of Medicine, President, Cardiorenal Society of America, Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology and others. He has written 46 peer-reviewed publications on COVID-19 and is considered among the world’s experts on the topic.

  2. Will the FDA be pressured into giving the vaccine a full approval? Will the FDA change the definition of “Vaccine” in order to call this gene therapy a “vaccine” so that the drug companies would be free of liability?
    Any goes in this administration. One lie after another.

  3. Speeding up approval will not help if most people have woken up to this political hoax and are refusing to take it. Will they inject refusers on the street, malls, in buses and trains HASHEM YISHMOR?

  4. Take note: it is a forgone conclusion that the vaccine will be “green light”ed. How can they know that in advance if they don’t have all the safety data yet???

  5. “The FDA is ramping up its timeline to fully approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s two-shot COVID-19 vaccine, amid the surge of infections gripping much of the US.”

    This, of course, makes no sense.

    Approving something for “emergency use” due to an “emergency” circumstance is understandable. But calling something fully safe due to this, by accounting for any consideration other than just safety, is simply a lie.

  6. If a piece of fish “might” “possibly” be a little old and someone might possibly get a stomach ache, they immediately pull all the fish from that company off the shelves. Here the vaccines they don’t care if a couple of thousand people get a bad reaction,…… DEATH!!!

  7. This experimental gene therapy is not a vaccine. As such, it needs a decade or two to test for any long-term effects. If FDA will give the full approval before the required decade or two, that would mean that FDA is another useless bureaucratic tumor, not that this gene therapy is safe.


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