The world has gained a new weapon in the war on malaria, among the oldest known and deadliest of infectious diseases: the first vaccine shown to help prevent the disease. By one estimate, it will save tens of thousands of children each year.
Malaria kills about half a million people each year, nearly all of them in sub-Saharan Africa — including 260,000 children under 5. The new vaccine, made by GlaxoSmithKline, rouses a child’s immune system to thwart Plasmodium falciparum, the deadliest of five malaria pathogens and the most prevalent in Africa.
The World Health Organization on Wednesday endorsed the vaccine, the first step in a process that should lead to wide distribution in poor countries. To have a malaria vaccine that is safe, moderately effective and ready for distribution is “a historic event,” said Dr. Pedro Alonso, director of the W.H.O.’s global malaria program.
The vaccine, called Mosquirix, is not just a first for malaria — it is the first developed for any parasitic disease. Parasites are much more complex than viruses or bacteria, and the quest for a malaria vaccine has been underway for a hundred years.
Read more at New York Times.
Why do they need a vaccine when chloroquine is one of the oldest and best anti-malarial drugs – which was used by the politicians and elite for decades to cure cancer but hidden from the public who have to sooth their pain with chemo radiation?
Because you can’t get it (the HCQ) anymore. They’re so adamant that Covid victims – and potential victims who want to take it as a preventative – n o t have access to it, it looks like no one can get it. Absolutely sick, from whom we considered a מלכות של חסד till now.
Yum. I love vaccines. I can’t wait to take this new one.
Attn: Mr. “Just Saying.
Here in Boro-Park i never had a problem obtaining HCQ.
My doctor prescribed it without hesitation (and i have already set aside 5 refills, just-in-case) and the local privately owned pharmacy (not a Goyish chain drug-store) dispenses it without any problems.
The only ‘hitch’ is that insurance won’t cover it.
So i had to shell out a ‘whopping’ 24 dollars per 12 pills. (Two per day for 6 days.)
And add to that around another 50 cents worth of Zinc (6 tablets) so my total cost per entire regimen came out to the astronomical amount of (less than) 25 bucks!
Yep, the vast majority of those (Nebech ignorant) people that died (since Dr. Zelenko announced his discovery) could have been saved for an amount that’s much less than a pair of shoes.
For all the people that lost people close to them,
I know this is extremely difficult to accept.
I simply can’t find the proper words of condolences. (obviously it was Bashert.)
The people that you should direct your anger towards, are the ones responsible for the misinformation and information suppression.
You and the deceased are their victims.
If it helps, it may be a little bit comforting to bear-in-mind that they will ultimately get what’s coming to them.
Hashem eventually settles all accounts…
I wonder if this new drug mentioned in this article would will work for covid-19 as well as Hydroxy.
Sadly (sad for the rest of us), you are one of the lucky ones. I couldn’t agree more with the second half of your post. However – however – m o s t people don’t live in Boro Park and contrary to your belief, it is not the center of the world. I can’t get it at any pharmacy at all, so I’d have to either order it on-line or try an Arab owned pharmacy a five hour bus ride (two buses each way) from my home. Oh, yeh, it’s a lot more than $25 too, even without the zinc. Ivermectin is similarly not available. Quercetin, being a natural product, was available but no longer, and neither was the zinc the last time I checked.