First Round Of Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks Ends With No Clear Resolution

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The first round of high-stakes peace talks between Russia and Ukraine ended Monday with no clear resolution after the Ukrainian president’s office called for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian forces, the NY Post reports.

Officials from both countries held the face-to-face talks at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border as Moscow’s assault entered its fifth day. They were pictured sitting at a long table surrounded by both the Ukrainian and Russian flags.

The delegations will hold a second round of negotiations at a later date, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said, according to the Russian RIA news agency.



  1. Putin chose his moment . He concluded the West nowadays is run by feminine driven wimpish rainbow pushing nowadays, and he dared therefore them to come try to stop him now..

    Is Putin so wrong? He called the West for what it is

    A cold warrior


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