Florida Radio Host ‘Mr. Anti-Vax’ Dies Of COVID-19

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A conservative Florida radio host who dubbed himself “Mr. Anti-Vax” and criticized the COVID-19 vaccine died of the coronavirus on Saturday.

In a statement posted to Twitter, radio station News Daytona Beach WNDB confirmed Marc Bernier’s death, writing that he “informed and entertained listeners on WNDB for over 30 years.”

It continued, “We kindly ask that privacy is given to Marc’s family during this time of grief.”

Bernier, 65, succumbed to the disease three weeks after becoming infected, according to The Daytona Beach News-Journal.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. I personally know a 17 year old the got the COVID Vaccine and two weeks later went into cardiac arrest. And was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. Sadly the media is hiding the adverse reactions and only pumps
    when there is a Covid death.

  2. The media is sensationalizing only unvaccinated people who died. There were many vaccinated people who died as well but we won’t hear about that.

  3. The man staked his life on his political agenda, and lost the bet.
    Like they say – he died while doing what he loved the most. That’s a huge comfort for his family, I assume.

  4. Where does the covid death information come from? It doesn’t state in the article. Just because some retard yells covid, it doesn’t necessarily mean covid. Judging from the picture, the guy seems to be very overweight. He could have died from heart attack, stroke, cancer, deliberate medical malpractice, etc. Without his entire medical chart being published, we can’t confirm that his cause of death was indeed covid, and considering numerous instances of lies and data fudging by the establishment, we should not simply believe, without proof, that the guy died of covid – if we are to follow the Occum’s Razor principle. Can’t publish his medical chart because of respect to privacy of the deceased, you say? Well, you already violated his privacy by spreading unsubstantiated covid rumors about the guy.

  5. That’s a third anti covid vax famous person in last few weeks. SOMETHING VERY FISHY IS GOING HAPPENING.
    Does be big pharma have a hit list for these guys?

  6. Covid is a scam created by the government to control and spy on us. it doesn’t really exist. neither does Cancer. or car accidents, that also doesn’t exist.

    • Ben 4:25, gubmit never scams and the Tuskegee experiment, that would have made Mengele proud, never happened?! Gotta just believe in Fauci, because he never lied before?!


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