NASA is reportedly hiring two dozen theologians to take part in a program at Princeton University to assess how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets, and how that would impact ideas about creation and God, Newsmax reports.
The NASA-sponsored program at the Center for Theological Inquiry is described as building “bridges of understanding by convening theologians, scientists, scholars, and policymakers to think together – and inform public thinking – on global concerns.”
“The headline findings are that adherents of a range of religious traditions report that they can take the idea in their stride,” the Rev. Andrew Davison, one of 24 religious members who’s taken part in the project wrote in a book, due to be published in 2022, the Sunday Times reported.
Davison writes that “creation” is seen as a “generous gift” from God and said: “That would apply equally to . . . whatever other life there might be in the universe.”
Carl Pilcher, who was head of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute until 2016, told the news outlet NASA was investigating profound questions about the origins of life and its place in the universe and wanted theologians to “consider the implications of applying the tools of late 20th [and early 21st] century science to questions that had been considered in religious traditions for hundreds or thousands of years.”
Of course, for members of the Torah community, this whole discussion is moot.
Once again Conspiracy Theorists were right all along.
Moot for members of the Torah community?
See the Rishonim on the pasuk “oru mei’roz” in Shoftim.
It is not against the Torah to belive in extra terrestrial life.
Of course our job is here and the Torah is here.
But there can very well be life on other planets.
Berel salamin will represent us.
Either they’re out of their minds or out of this world!
“Of course, for members of the Torah community, this whole discussion is moot.”
Why is this moot?
There is a machlokes Rishonim if there is such a thing as aliens. – And they were even supposed to help the klal Yisroel fight one of their wars in the days of the Shoftim but were cursed for not doing so according to some of the meforshim.
Rav Chatzkai Kreskas in Sefer Ohr Hasham Maamer Daled Drush Beis says that aliens absolutely could exist.
Sefer Habris in ma’amer alef chelek gimel perek daled elaborates how it is highly unlikely that there are no aliens ant that all were created for the kavod of Hashem and for the klal yisroel. (Sefer HaIkarim is quotes by the Sefer HaBris and holds they do not exist.)
The Chida in Pesach Einayim may hold they exist (though it’s not clear if he is referring to aliens on earth or in the heavens)
It’s all a preparation for this administration’s attempt to legalize the aliens who have already landed in the US.
NASA should offer rapid Spanish courses, to facilitate communication.
We takeh have to set up a special Yeshiva for these aliens. We have to start training Rebbiem in whatever the language they speak up/out there.
Rabbi ariyeh Kaplan in his collection of essays clearly deals with the possibility according to torah of life on other places
And brings some sources for that
“Of course, for members of the Torah community, this whole discussion is moot.”
Why is this moot?
There is a machlokes Rishonim if there is such a thing as aliens. – And they were even supposed to help the klal Yisroel fight one of their wars in the days of the Shoftim but were cursed for not doing so according to some of the meforshim.
Rav Chatzkai Kreskas in Sefer Ohr Hasham Maamer Daled Drush Beis says that aliens absolutely could exist.
Sefer Habris in ma’amer alef chelek gimel perek daled elaborates how it is highly unlikely that there are no aliens ant that all were created for the kavod of Hashem and for the klal yisroel. (Sefer HaIkarim is quotes by the Sefer HaBris and holds they do not exist.)
The Chida in Pesach Einayim may hold they exist (though it’s not clear if he is referring to aliens on earth or in the heavens)
A prime opportunity to ask out-of-this-world beings how to deal with Covid-19 variants.
They surely have experience or may even acknowledge it’s their welcoming gift to Earth before their arrival.
Let’s ask their opinion about Dr. Fauci’s fears and dictates. That should be a real eye opener.
But for now prep yourself for a spaceship landing at a home near you!
@Yumgermahn and @Ploni_Almoni
I think you misunderstand what the author means by “moot”. It doesn’t mean that there are no aliens, it means that whether there are or not is irrelevant to us. And thus, he is right, it is a moot question.
I can nominate a number of my teachers as very qualified for a role in this group. Many of them alienated me and my classmates in the 80’s
Of course there are beings who are not entirely human. Look at Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago. I guess “Missa Meshina” is a type of Alien being.
Why is it moot? The Zohar clearly talks about it and even mentions different color aliens, and the good and the bad ones.
Do they have chocolate ones?
I am very interested in this topic; can you provide me the source which I can look up?
I am referring to “anonymous” who mentioned a source in Zohar
The aggrevious nature of antidisestablishmentarianism is the inherent incrogruent hypocrisy of those seeking to rectify the problems.
Read the MALBIMs commentary on Sefer BreishiT.
Science is slowly catching up to Torah