FOREVER AND EVER: Fauci Says Masks On Planes Will ALWAYS Be Necessary No Matter What

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Dr. Anthony Fauci does not believe the pandemic will reach a state in which Americans can go without masks in closed spaces, even with good filtration, Fox News reports.

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly told a U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday that “masks don’t add much, if anything” in fighting the spread of COVID-19 on airplanes. In a direct rebuke of Kelly’s comments, Fauci told ABC’s “This Week” that he doesn’t believe the pandemic will reach a state in which masks will be unnecessary – especially for closed spaces.

When asked point blank if he thought there might be a point where masks are unnecessary on airplanes, he said “I don’t think so.”

“I think when you’re dealing with a closed space, even though the filtration is good that you want to go that extra step,” Fauci argued. “When you have people, you know you get a flight from Washington to San Francisco, it’s a well over a five hour flight. Even though you have a good filtration system, I still believe that masks are a prudent thing to do and we should be doing it,” he added.




  1. Who is Fauci to make such a tyrannical statement??? What, is he God?! Who put him as Lord over us? Did we elect him? Does he own the airline industry? When will be free from this menace?

  2. Who is the mask for? Is it for me, that I don’t catch the germ or is it for you that I don’t pass the germ? That being said it should be each individual’s personal choice!


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