Former Israeli Defense Minister Galant Visits 770

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Former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant visited 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and spoke at the Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen on Sunday about the Jewish spirit and strength.



  1. Why is he wearing that avoda zara yarmulka of Chabad that says yechi…on it??? I know that Lubavitch puts it on people who don’t understand what it says and means, but he knows Hebrew, he is Israeli, why is he wearing that avoda zara kappel??

  2. Yechi is not avoda zara, yechi is the emuna that the melech hamoshiach is about to bring the geula,they allowed him to sit there because Chabad have a huge ahvas yisroel and are mikrav even those they disagree with.

    • Proclaiming that your dead Rebbe is alive and will live forever as King Moshiach, is very disturbing to Jews, if not outright idolatry.

      • As a great Rosh Yeshiva zt”l (R.Y.) supposedly said, Habad is the religion closest to Judaism. So maybe they hold that since they are a different religion it is not avoda zara for them.

  3. What I see from this video is a man that was as far from religion when the war started as Yisro when he started his journey. The fact that he would even put a religious article on his head is outstanding. And the fact that he mentioned Hashem’s name twice during his speech and “Toras Yisrael” once is a spark of Kedusha. He visited 770 as a tribute to R’ Kogan that was killed in Dubai because he was a Yid; not anything else. Al Kiddush Hashem! The fact that he is together with others that may (or may not believe) in Chabad beliefs is way above his level. Let’s recognize how far he came. He is comfortable there because they accept him for who he is. He was diplomatic and put the yarmulka on his head. But he didn’t need to mention HAshem, which whom he did not mention throughout the war (only the IDF). Chazak! May Hashem continue to bring closer all those astray closer to Him, and with it the Biyas Goel Tzek. Amein.

  4. I hate to tell everybody there’s nothing at 7:70. It’s a waste of time now please avoid 770 as much as possible. The whole thing is a yaznulchi to the 10th degree


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