FRESH HOPE: Experimental Chewing Gum ‘Traps 95% Of Covid Particles In Your Mouth’, Study Shows

Taking chewing gum
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Scientists think they have found a novel way for people to protect themselves against Covid.

An experimental chewing gum could act as a “net” to trap coronavirus particles.

A study found this gum could limit the amount of virus in saliva and help stop transmission when infected people talk, breath or cough.

The special gum has copies of the ACE2 protein, which is found on cell surfaces.

The virus uses as a way to break into the cells and then infect them.

But in experiments, virus particles attached themselves to the ACE2 in the chewing gum, resulting in viral load in samples falling by more than 95 per cent.

The research team from the University of Pennsylvania reported in Molecular Therapy the gum feels and tastes like conventional chewing gum.

It can be stored for years at normal temperatures, and chewing it does not damage the ACE2 protein molecules, the researchers said.

Using gum to reduce viral loads in saliva , they suggest, would add to the benefit of vaccines and would be particularly useful in countries where vaccines are not yet available or affordable.

The gum is not available yet for general use, but is a promising step in limiting spread in infected people. Read more at The Sun.



  1. Ace2? What will they think of next? The airlines should start handing out gum, in that little baggie they give out with hand sanitizer and 4oz water bottle as you enter the plane. That should be fun, chewing gum under our disposable mask.

  2. The viral load that causes Covid, enters and initially sits mostly in the nose. So, unless you can chew this with your nose, it won’t help that much.
    How about a gum that will kill the bacteria in the mouth that can prevent cavities?

  3. I can not control myself when I chew gum, and I blow bubbles involuntarily. If I blow bubbles with this chewing gum, can it spread the virus?


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