During last night’s international rally in Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, a recorded message from Dr. Phil was shown. In the message, Dr. Phil remarked, “It’s been seven months since October 7th and Hamas still holds 132 hostages from 20 different countries.”
He added, “Hostages being subjected to physical, sexual, and psychological torture… Together we can raise awareness and demand action for the safe return of all of these hostages. This is not an Israeli issue, this is an international issue, and we need the world’s support to get all of these hostages back home.”
Dr. Phil went on to say, “I’m waiting together with you for the return of your loved ones. The world cannot continue to progress until all of these hostages are home. You need to know that all of us here in America have this uppermost in our mind. This is not something that is just happening halfway around the world. We understand this truly impacts everyone of us every day.
“You’re on our minds and we want this to happen for you. We love you, we care about you, and we stand unified with you each and every day as these loved ones are missing from your lives. God bless you and know that we’re behind you every step of the way.”
Watch a video of the remarks above.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Dr. Phil would be a nice Vice President.