FULL VIDEO REPLAY: Kumzitz with Yigal Calek and London School of Jewish Song Alumni

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The legendary composer and director of the London School of Jewish Song, Yigal Calek, along with friends, family and many alumni of the choir, gathered to sing some of the original oldies from the Pirchei London records of the 60’s on the last night of Chanukah in London, England.

It was a very poignant Zos Chanukah reunion. Former choir members in attendance included Nicky Borgenicht, Yossi Fachler, Moishe Stern, Doidy Feld, David Rosenberg, and Dovid Calek (Yigal’s son). On the guitar: Shloimy Richman.



    • You can still buy them. I wish they made more. I am so desperate for the clean music of the 60’s and 70’s. 80’s was ok, 90’s was not.

  1. If these guys can get together and do some of these songs with choreography and harmonies just in their much older selfs it would be epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yigal Calek is a legend!

  2. Wow!! The discipline and work he put into them all those years ago! These people haven’t done this formally in close to 50 years, and they are so on beat, on tune, all the harmonies are just perfect exactly as I remember them from my youth!!


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