FULL VIDEO: Trump Takes Questions On Tiktok, Hegseth, Drones, Vaccines, RFK Jr. and More

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President-elect Donald Trump took questions on several subjects Monday at Mar-a-Lago, speaking about the drone sightings that have been reported in several states, the vaccine views of his pick for HHS secretary and more. CBS News political director Fin Gómez had analysis of the press conference afterward.



  1. Today 1 in 36 children have autism. In the 70’s autism in children was 1 in 10,000.

    In order to end the autism pandemic is for Trump to the Vaccination Act signed by Reagan in 1986 which gave pharmaceutical companies immunity from lawsuits.

    • There is no correlation despite what you claim that one thing has anything to do with the other.

      Before the vaccinations against these illnesses, kids were getting sick and dying from them. We were not living as long a life. There are people still around suffering from polio that they had as a kid because the the vaccine wasn’t given yet.

      I could think of plenty of other reasons for the autism including the fact that so many people get diagnosed who years ago were not necessarily diagnosed, they were just called people with ants in their pants or something like that but now everyone needs a diagnosis. It’s become insane. And if you don’t have autism, then you’re on the spectrum because you need that diagnosis. All these diagnoses are a bunch of garbage.

      I’m not saying that it’s not there so no one jump me on that. I am saying that it’s very very easy to get diagnosed. For those who have it no matter what range you’re in, it’s not a good thing but please stop blaming it on the vaccines. It’s a lie!

    • Trump must stop ALL vaccinations because they serve absolutely no purpose besides lining the pockets of Big Pharma and doctors. When will parents wake up?


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