GAFFE: Yair Lapid Speaks of “Tefillin on Yom Kippur”

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In his latest embarrassing error, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, in a ceremony held to commemorate the martyrs of the Yom Kippur War, referred to those who “wear tefillin on Yom Kippur.”

Lapid spoke about the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and said, “When thousands of worshipers were torn from their shuls and had to replace their tallis with uniforms and their tefillin with a rifle, they did not ask who was right-wing and who was left-wing, who fasted and who did not fast. The religious ones left the shul, and the secular ones who taught their children to ride bicycles put on uniforms and went to the battle.”

Lapid seemingly meant well, but right after his speech, people noticed his mistake regarding tefillin on Yom Kippur and Twitter blew up.

Channel 14 reported Boaz Golan wrote on Twitter: “Hollow and lacking in basic knowledge, Lapid included in his speech the wearing  of tefillin on Yom Kippur.”

Attorney Kinneret Barashi, known as an ardent Likud supporter, teased Lapid and wrote: “Look at how important Jewish studies are to you… The soldiers didn’t replace tefillin with guns because there’s no tefillin on Yom Kippur.”


{ Israel}


  1. Not surprising for a guy who was literally weaned on rejection and hatred of Judaism by his father, the infamous Apikorus and self-hating Jew, Tommy Lapid, who abandoned his religion due to the horrors of the Holocaust, but took it 10 steps forward with a burning hatred of all that is Jewish.

  2. Why criticize Lapid, who was raised in an anti-Torah household. At least he now finds it in his heart to praise those Jews in Israel who left their Shuls during Yom Kippur davening in order to serve as the Shelichim of the Rebono shel Olam to help defend Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael.

    Save your criticism for the so-called “Torah-observant” Galut Jews who sat comfortably in their Shuls in Teaneck and Back Lawrence and for those who rushed to Ben Gurion Airport to catch the first available flight out of Eretz Yisrael.

    • You must be the same, so-called “Torah-observant”.

      The Zionist idolatrous faith holds Zionism above all else, including Jewish lives, as the Zionists amply demonstrated and practices before, during and after WW II and continuing on after that.

      As Rav Chaim Brisker noted, the Zionists need a state in order to shmad, not, as is commonly assumed, the other way around (which would still be terrible, of course).

      So, if the Zionists want to have their “State”, then they can also fight for that “State”. Leave the Jews out of it.

  3. That’s a fanatic and more religious than my Rabbi. Even my Rabbi doesn’t wear Tefillin on Yom Kippur.

    Does Lapid wear Tefillin only on Yom Kippur?


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