The Jewish state’s strike on Iran was “yet another record-breaking achievement during this war,” Yoav Gallant, the Israeli defense minister, said at an Israeli Air Force leadership forum over the weekend.
“The enemy has been weakened—both in its ability to produce missiles and in its ability to defend itself,” he said. “This changes the balance of power.”
Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the Israel Defense Forces chief of the general staff, also joined the event.
Gallant thanked the “pilots, base commanders and fighters in the air and on the ground.”
“The response appears to have been very precise, effective and powerful—striking our targets as planned,” he said. “You have demonstrated record-breaking capabilities.”
“You have conducted accurate strikes on their radars and air defense systems, which creates a huge disadvantage for the enemy when we will want to strike later,” Gallant added. “You have also damaged their production capabilities, which changes the balance of power. Their supplies are now set, and this affects their calculus. Both their attack and defensive capabilities have been weakened.”
I would like to thank Hashem.
Thank You Hashem.
Kochi ve’otzem yodi and then they wonder why Chareidim don’t want to join them.
That is the very least of the reasons the chareidim could not possibly join them.