Gas prices could exceed a $4 average before the summer, GasBuddy.com predicted.
The GasBuddy forecast projects gas prices will peak nationally at an average of $3.79 in May, before retreating below current levels by late 2022, CNN reported, as per Newsmax.
“We could see a national average that flirts with, or in a worst-case scenario, potentially exceeds $4 a gallon,” Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, told CNN.
GasBuddy’s forecast also predicts the national gas price average will rise to $3.41 per gallon next year, up from $3.02 in 2021.
Thank you President Biden.
Of course! Like his mentor the 44th president, President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. aka known as Brandon, does not care. This clown in the White House hasn’t a clue what to do other than open our storage tanks which has the capacity of providing one days worth of gasoline.
Hey fellow Americans, he’s not even completed one full year of his four year term! Oy, ah bruch!
The Event is coming be’ez”H. Nothing to worry about.