GENIUS: Law De Blasio Counting On To Get Killer Drivers Off NYC Streets Relies On Honor System

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He’ll take their word for it.

The much-delayed law Mayor Bill de Blasio is banking on to stop future dangerous drivers before another child is tragically mowed down only requires the most dangerous drivers to “self-report” violations of the traffic safety laws after completing mandatory classes, The Post has learned.

Contract documents for the $2.8 million pilot program require that potential providers only “[r]e-contact class participants in order to conduct self-reporting of behaviors 1-3 months after they take the class.”

The Department of Transportation opted to only require the self-reporting even though the city bureaucracy already maintains an extensive and regularly updated database of driving scofflaws who blow past speed cameras or run red lights.

City Hall was ordered by the City Council legislation that mandated the driving courses to keep track on how many drivers commit another violation afterward as one way to track if the program is working, though the law does not specify how the DOT should collect the data.

“The city should check and not just take someone’s word for it,” said Marco Conner DiAquoi, the deputy director of Transportation Alternatives, a group that backs stricter laws on driving to boost safety for pedestrians and bikers. “It almost seems like common sense, the city has the data, they can easily match up the license plates.”

Read more at NY Post.



  1. AH vision zero the words give you such a warm – good feeling. Stupid mayor. Perhaps come on over to Brooklyn and stand on any street corner and watch. It would only take a few minutes and you would see, people driving scooters, motorized bikes, segways and other such vehicles going through red lights, driving against traffic, or on the sidewalk, And almost 100% don’t wear helmets. Then as you drive home be careful when you come to a green light there may be someone trying to play Russian roulette with your car. I personally began beeping my horn whenever I have to cross an intersection at a green light. I said it when Vision zero began, as long as the focus is only on the drivers and there is virtually no outreach to pedestrians such wearing reflectors etc G-D forbid we won’t get to zero.

  2. How about letting us self report speed camera violations? Could we please self report blowing stop signs? How about self reporting our parking violations? Let’s let people self report theft and murder, too! Then we can get rid of more police officers!
    This guy is one sick and stupid puppy.


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