George Santos Reportedly Planning To Run For Re-Election Despite Lies: ‘I’m Not Leaving’

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Disgraced Long Island Rep. George Santos is reportedly set on running for re-election in 2024 — even as outraged locals marched on his district office Wednesday again, demanding his ouster over his lies, the NY Post reports. Fellow New York Rep. Richie Torres confirmed reports that “Santos is telling advisors that he wishes to serve a 2nd term, despite previously promising that he wouldn’t run for reelection.”

“Do you think a pathological liar & lawbreaker like George Santos has any business being a lawmaker for even 1 term, let alone 2?”

Torres also linked to a CNN article in which multiple Republican sources said Santos plans to stick it out and seek re-election even if indicted on criminal charges over his campaign finances.

Santos, 34, seemed to signal as much in a tweet Tuesday, changing his tune from when he previously said he’d resign if enough of his voters called for it.


  1. Doesn’t Mr. Torres have anything better to do than to comment on a fellow Congressman? Is that what Mr. Torres constituents pay his salary for? What does Mr. Torres have in his closet?

  2. Run Mr. Torres , run.
    The hypocrite DemonRats won’t push Liars Schiff & Nadler to resign. Pa. Rats elected a Fetterman , for crying out loud. They also cheated for Brandon who got 85 million votes ????????
    Don’t let them intimidate you. The Demonrats are filth.


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