Giuliani Served With Indictment After His 80th Birthday Party

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Rudi Giuliani was served with notice of his Arizona indictment over election interference at the end of his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach.

“The mayor was served after the party and as he was walking to the car,” a spokesman told The Daily Beast. “He was unfazed and enjoyed an incredible evening with hundreds of people, from all walks of life, who love and respect him for his contributions to society. We look forward to full vindication soon.”

Giuliani was the last of the 18 defendants in the case to be served in the indictment that was returned by a grand jury last month.

CNN reported this week that Arizona prosecutors had been looking for Giuliani for weeks but were unable to find him.


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  1. The left woke mob has destroyed this great American. What he accomplished with sheer will and determination (taking on the mob’s total dominance of NYC, cleaning up NYC crime ridden reputation, how he handled post 9/11) is unmatched in politics anymore. Even the good politicians who are on the side of law and order are just too scared and timid to do what needs to be done.

  2. (I’m commenter #4)
    All 3 comments above mine are absolutely on target.
    This is likely why we generally can’t attract decent people to run for office! Why do it? seems to be the question they’re asking themselves. If all we can get to run for president, in a country of 330 million people, are these two ridiculous choices – there, ya for it. Why ruin your life is what the competent, great people are likely asking themselves.

  3. When Rodent (that;s what we called him) and I would get into an argument, he’d grab my yarmulke and stick it on his head. “Now will you listen to me, Skull?” “Yeah, Rodent. Until 120, and healthy, baby.”


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