Google Is Dethroned As World’s Most Popular Website

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Google was dethroned as the world’s most popular website in 2021. The tech giant was pushed into second place as TikTok took the No. 1 spot as the most popular website in 2021, according to cybersecurity company Cloudflare, The Hill reports.

In 2020, Google took the No. 1 spot while TikTok came in at No. 7, making the feat of reaching No. 1 by jumping six spots all the more noteworthy. In September, TikTok hit a new record, reporting 1 billion monthly active users.

The top 10 most popular websites in 2021 can be seen below.

  1. TikTok
  2. Google
  3. Facebook
  4. Microsoft
  5. Apple
  6. Amazon
  7. Netflix
  8. YouTube
  9. Twitter
  10. WhatsApp




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