Being anti-vax is about to become expensive in Greece, where the government has just mandated all those over 60 must be vaccinated. Those who refuse to comply by Jan. 16, 2022, will be fined €100 or around $115 a month, with the money collected going in to the health system. Greece is the first European nation to target vaccine mandates to an age group.
Austria was the first European country to mandate vaccines for all age groups. Those who don’t comply there will risk a one-time fine of €3,600 or $4,085. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said he is instituting the mandate and fine to sway the 520,000 people over 60 who have so far resisted getting their jab. “It’s the price to pay for health,” he said. Read more at Reuters.
Get the bunkers ready.
Actually, $115 for a whole month is (in our current day currency) not too much money at all to pay, especially as it is for what is really the most important payment for a person to make — even more important than paying the monthly electric bill or monthly telephone bill: It is the payment a person makes to buy his freedom! To buy his freedom from submitting to this severely abusive control by severely wicked people over his private choice of actions. And in this case, where the issue is the excessively-dangerous-convulsion-&-blood-clot-causing-Covid-vaccines, the person is buying his freedom from being painfully maimed or even killed by these deadly vaccine poisons.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comment.
Of course, though, the one-time-bill of $4,085 that Austria charges is obviously quite a large piece of $$$$ and is an amount that probably a vast number of people do not have in their bank accounts. However, if, Chas V’Shalom, a person is ever presented with such a “choice,” there is no question whatsoever that he must absolutely do whatever he has to do to get his hands on that sum of money — whether it is emptying out his bank account or begging from family and friends or even pan-handling in the street — and pay it! For this is literally ransom for his life! His very life is at stake!
If, Chas V’Shalom, he were to (instead) (keep the money or not go begging and) take the vaccine, if it will kill him, what good will the money do for him or that he did not beg do for him — he is now dead!! If it does not kill him, there is a high chance that it will still injure him in such a way that he will be unable to properly function and will thus not be able to make a Parnossa and will thus for his whole life be forced to be a beggar!! There is even a good chance that it will injure him so severely that, just to remain alive, he will be forced to be in some kind of around-the-clock-care-nursing-home. Obviously, having to spend the rest of his life in such professional-care-facilities will cost him a lot more, quite A LOT more, than just four thousand dollars; it will be more like four HUNDRED thousand dollars or even four MILLION dollars.
Of course, it totally goes without saying that NO person should ever have to make such payments to have his freedom; if he has to “pay” $$$$ to have “freedom,” then that is obviously NOT freedom!!
[Please note though, that I am NOT talking about government requirements to pay understandable fair taxes. My sister told me that our father, Alav HaShalom, often remarked that (just like a person pays rent to the owner of his building for living there, so) the taxes we pay to our government are like the “rent” we pay for living here. Another parable can be that a person who joins a community club, is expected to and is obligated to chip in a certain $$$ amount to help pay the expenses of the club. Instead, what I am condemning here is a person having to give up big $$$$ (even that $115 a month is going to quickly add up) to ward off wicked people who want to control his private choice of actions and force him to do something that is severely harmful to him.]
And thus, it equally totally goes without saying that these governments have absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION WHATSOEVER in forcing people to pay this money to get their freedom. The absolutely correct battle cry that countless peoples throughout the world are screaming is that the human right to freely live IS ABSOLUTELY NOT some “exotic” “privilege” that some government in its “kindness” “decides” it “can” “give” us!!
So, the whole huge matrix of the entre Covid agenda rules (of the dictatorial orders to Lockdown and wear masks and take the vaccines and pay these ransoms for no vaccine) is totally illegitimate. That many governments have hoaxed this heavy-handed tyranny on us — including demanding these no-vaccine-ransoms — means that they are a bunch of CRIMINAL THUGS, who, like the Mafia, with threats of firebombing homes & businesses, extort big $$$$$$ from people. They are actually much worse than the Mafia, for the possible effects of the Covid vaccines will be way more excruciatingly painful & torturous than the bullets & firebombs from the Mafia.
These actions of the Greek and Austrian governments are not the same at all as when governments correctly impose heavy fines on people upon violations of various safety rules. For there, a person breaking those rules IS doing a bad action that IS harmful to others. For example, if a person drives past a stop sign through an intersection without stopping, he is being a danger to others. Even though at that moment when he went past the stop sign, no one else was in the intersection, and so he did not actually hit anyone, if he continues to act this way, very likely at one of those future times when he will drive past a stop sign, THERE WILL BE someone else in that intersection, and HE WILL HIT that someone else! So, right now at this “first time,” the police need to stop him and give him a punishment.
However, regarding vaccines, a person who does not take a vaccine IS NOT doing anything that is harmful to anyone else. The oft repeated cliché: “an unvaccinated person is a grave danger to others” IS A VICIOUS ABSOLUTE TOTAL LIE!! The people who decline vaccines — who are so insultingly called “Anti-Vaxxers” — DO NOT decline vaccines because they are “irresponsible” or “selfish” or “do not care about protecting themselves”
and others. On the contrary, it is BECAUSE they are very responsible and very selfless and care very much about protecting themselves and others that they adamantly refuse vaccines!!
The people who decline vaccines are opposed to them because they know that vaccines do not work and can be quite harmful. Vaccines give very little actual protection against disease and often bring on the very disease they are supposedly preventing and many times cause horrific injuries that leave the recipient either dead or gravely maimed for life. This is especially so with the new Covid vaccines, as they are excessively, excessively, excessively dangerous and have already killed millions of people throughout the world. They WERE NOT properly tested, and they WERE NOT approved by the FDA. The propaganda that they “Are Safe and 95% Effective” IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE, and the news flash that they were finally approved by the FDA was a masterpiece of pure deception.
Probably the most important reason why people who decline vaccines is because they well know that there are other much better ways to prevent disease. These “other ways” are the principles of Natural Living and Natural Healing, which are to avoid using synthetic toxic substances and to avoid eating synthetic toxic foods and to avoid taking synthetic toxic medicines. This means, of course, total elimination of all artificial sweeteners, artificial salts, artificial butters, artificial meats, artificial colorings, artificial flavorings, artificial preservatives, and all products containing any of these ingredients. This further means total elimination of what is well known as “junk food,” which contains much of these artificial items, and even the “food” contents are so excessively processed that very little “food” and “nourishment” is left.
Even what is thought of as “natural” food, fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, etc., is not good. For, tragically, almost all modern food production involves changing the DNA essence of many life forms — called “Genetically Modified Organisms” – “GMO’s” — and drenching all plant growth with deadly synthetic insecticide & other pesticide poisons. Animals and fowl are fed such plants and are additionally injected with numerous growth hormones & other toxic medicines.
What is needed is food that is truly certified as “Organic,” which means there are NO GMO’S and NO pesticides or other synthetic chemicals in its production. Animals and fowl need to be GRASS FED, as grass is their normal diet. Milk and milk for dairy products needs to be RAW, as that is when it has its wonderful nourishment.
Im Yirtza Hashem, doing this of living a truly good healthy natural lifestyle will give a person a good healthy strong physiology that will well ward off any disease — infinitely better than any vaccine.
As much as everyone certainly TRIES to live a good healthy lifestyle, it is well known that no one is “perfect,” and, in Olam Hazeh, no situation is “perfect.” So, it is understandable that situations of illness will develop. So, for this, Hashem creates many, many, many different excellent techniques and materials for healing, which means to get the person’s physiology back to working properly.
As I just said, there are many forms of Natural Healing, and each one is a whole world of treatment in itself. Here are just a few of them: Acupuncture, Acupressure, Health Kinesiology, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Nutritional Supplementation, and Herbal Supplementation. In this category, there are many types of herbs: Chinese Herbs, Indian Herbs, North American Indian Herbs, South American/Amazon Rain Forest Herbs, and European Herbs.
While the Natural Healing world is, very correctly, severely abhorred at the treatments of horrific poisons and destruction and abuse and outright evil that permeates the bulk of Modern Medicine, especially the realm that is thought of as the “Standard Medical Establishment,” the NH world absolutely DOES NOT out-of-hand reject ALL of Modern Medicine. For it recognizes and greatly appreciates many items in that realm that are “good” and “useful,” as there are certain situations where certain modern pharmaceutical products are needed and there are certain situations where even surgery is needed.
Therefore, the work that many NH physicians do is termed “Complementary Medicine” and “Integrative Medicine”; “Complementary,” as the Natural and the “Modern” sides are a “complement” to each other, and “Integrative,” as the two sides “integrate” into each other. One of the very top such physicians, the late Warren Meyer Levin, MD, Alav HaShalom, explained to me: “We try to take the best of both worlds.”
However, very recently, two major trends have occurred that have caused — certainly NOT the whole Modern Medicine world, but rather — what we can call the real “Hard Core” “Standard Medical Establishment” to, either, change and become much, much, much darker or show what always were its true, much, much, much darker colors of pure outright evil. The first trend, which has been developing for many years, is the evil attitude that certain people, who are tragically beset with severe illnesses, do not “deserve” to live. They are thus murdered in their hospital beds by not only being denied treatments that would greatly help them — and are not even allowed to be taken to other countries where hospitals would gladly treat them — but by even being denied food and water!
The second trend, of course, is the whole Covid crises. To respond to the crises — which they created — most of the governments of the world, with the “Hard Core Standard Medical Establishment,” led by “HaRav HaRoshi, Holy, Holy, Holy, Dr. Saint Anthony Fauci, Yimach Shemo V’Zichro, and S’gan HaRav HaRoshi, Holy, Holy, Holy, Saint William Henry “Bill” Gates III, Yimach Shemo V’Zichro, enacted a massive matrix of the most hyper-dictatorial “It is MY way or the highway” rigid laws ordering everyone into outright INHUMAN actions of Lockdowns and Mask Wearing and Standing Six-Feet-Apart.
Then though, it was soon discovered that THERE WAS a way out of the crises! There WAS a cure for the “deadly” “pandemic”! And it was from “regular” “standard” Modern Medicine: two modern pharmaceutical medications: Hydroxychloroquine (abbreviated “HCQ”) and Ivermectin. But Holy Rav HaRoshi Fauci and his whole establishment shot back that, that was no good: “HCQ: NO GOOD! NO GOOD! NO GOOD!” “Ivermectin: NO GOOD! NO GOOD! NO GOOD!” They fabricated every fiendish lie they could to “prove” that HCQ and Ivermectin were no good, and the governments strictly forbade them to be used.
Then the vaccines finally came out, the Holy, Holy, Holy Covid vaccines. They were not properly tested, as crucial testing phases were omitted, but in tests that were done, there already were indications that these new vaccines were very dangerous deadly monsters. Numerous doctors — who in general are rabidly PRO-vaccine and proudly state that they vaccinate all their children — tried to warn about these new Covid ones, that they would not come near them with a 100 foot pole!
However, the established (so-called) “Establishment,” along with the (so-called) “Mainstream” media, which is the blaring mouthpiece for the established Establishment, bluntly wiped off such warnings as “misinformation.” Any warnings about the gravely sinister problems that exist are simply wiped off as being “misinformation.” And any doctor who attempts to give these warnings, who “dares” to say anything against the Holy, Holy Doctrines of the Holy, Holy (so-called) “Establishment,” is readily ostracized and threatened with revocation of his license.
So, the ironic development has occurred that numerous doctors, who are fully from the Modern side with nothing of natural methodology, have been well pushed to go team up with the Natural-Healing-Integrative world!