‘GROSSLY INCOMPETENT’ President Trump Rips Into Obama In Response To Criticism

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President Trump called former President Obama “grossly incompetent” when asked on Sunday about criticism his Democratic predecessor leveled the previous day.

“Look, he was an incompetent president, that’s all I can say. Grossly incompetent,” Trump told reporters Sunday outside the White House.

He said he had not seen Obama’s remarks. He also did not expand on his comments about the former president.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. GROSSLY INCOMPETENT – that’s putting it lightly

    NoBama was the WORST President in the history of the United States

  2. Would you not agree that the ‘GROSSLY INCOMPETENT’ President Trump was the Grossest Best President for Israel in the history of the establishment of the Modern State of Israel? He certainly bought us years by pulling out of the Iran Deal which was passed by America`s Jewish-Dominated Congress and Jewish-supported President Obama (and Comrades Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod) ?

  3. “‘GROSSLY INCOMPETENT’ President Trump ”

    Most accurate headline ever posted on Matzav. Keep it up.

    but don’t worry we will be done with grossly incompetent President Rump, in January

  4. Take a chill
    Trump rips into anyone who he even thinks criticized him. Remember Turx’s question way back when?


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