Guatemalan Police Raid Lev Tahor Compound, Arrest 3, Including Leader Yaakov Weingarten

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Guatemalan police, under the direction of the general prosecution in the country and at the request of the U.S., raided the compound of the Lev Tahor cult Monday in order to arrest three men wanted by the FBI who are suspected of kidnapping children, Itamar Eichner reports for Ynet.

One of the men arrested was Yaakov Weingarten, one of the cult’s leaders, who is due to appear before a judge today to discuss his extradition request to the United States.

Lev Tahor has been exposed as an extremist cult that has little to do with Judaism, but operates under the guise of Orthodox Judaism while carrying out boycotts, beatings and threats, abusing its members, many of whom have escaped its clutches.



  1. You write that they “carry out beatings and threats” yet aside from Matzav no one has alleged beatings and all of the allegations of corporal punishment were disproven in Quebec court, where social workers were berated for lying (to the point that a kid who’d colored themself with a marker was said to have “bruises”). The Quebec court went after their religious practices instead, like sleeping with a sack over their feet for tznius – far different than what matzav alleges. The “child kidnapping” allegations relate to a custody battle between two parents, both of which had originally brought the children there. Yet leave to the Matzav to besmirch and defame with vicious lies.

    • I live in Mexico, and have heard kli-rishon accounts of what these low-lifes do, so it’s not Matzav or anyone “with an agenda”. I have personally seen them here (till they were politely told to leave) and they have all the chitzonius and zero of the pniyius, total amoratzim who can’t read a blatt gemoroh straight.

  2. Why isn’t mainstream media reporting the GLOBAL arrests of the elite, high-ranking public servants, for kidnapping children? When will the public wake up to their heinous crimes they’re committing against children mainly in D.U.MBs and have been doing so for decades, or perhaps even centuries? Why are only about 30% of the public awake to these crimes? Do some investigation and you’ll see the horrors they’ve committed are much worse than what I’m saying. B”H most of them, about 3 million, have been coronavirused or taken to Gitmo, thanks to President Trump and his alliance, but no word in mainstream media about these atrocities, only about Jews.

  3. Personally I am not a fan of Lev Tahor, but notice the dirty tricks by the US prosecutor, which basically is a form of torture and a mockery of habeas corpus. It goes like this:
    A US prosecutor asks some small Latin American country to detain you while you are on their territory. The US government is not the one officially detaining you, so the US prosecutor does not go in front of a judge and doesn’t officially charge you with anything; officially, the prosecutor is just “investigating” you, and there isn’t an extradition request either. So you end up in some small Latin American country jail torture chamber, and if you ask the local judge to be released, they’ll say can’t do because Americans, and if you ask the US prosecutor to extradite you, they’ll drag their “investigation” for years without extraditing you. The entire racket is designed to break you and to make you admit to any charges, waiving away your right to a trial by jury. After a few weeks in a thoroughly corrupt and ultra violent Latin American jail, you’ll admit to everything, including being DB Cooper who just happened to pour cement over Jimmy Hoffa, after being the one who actually shot the Kennedy – don’t mind that you were born decades later. You’ll “admit” to anything just to be extradited sooner.
    In conclusion, even if the Lev Tahor guy is a rasha, he is still our rasha, and it is our responsibility to support him in this particular case where he is being “legally” tortured by what seems as a corrupt prosecutor. If there’s no extradition request, then the guy should not have been arrested and thrown in a banana republic jail. Period. The only valid retort, to prove me wrong, would be if the suspect gets flown to the US today or tomorrow, and has a chance to face his accusers in court.

    • You kidding right? No he is NOT OUR RASHA…HE US HIS OWN RASHA!!! HE AINT MINE and he aint any frum jews. These are not the people you run to take out of prison. These are mechallel shabbos rashuiim!! Murderers of body and souls.

      • 6:56pm, he’s a Jew. I don’t know anything about him; I don’t know if the allegations are true or not. I do know that some aggressive prosecutor is using dirty tactics to torture a Jew.
        Let’s examine: First, what makes this particular guy a rasha; after all, “kidnapping” children is very likely assisting one of divorced parents to take their kids contrary to a goyishe court decision – these kids are not exactly kidnapped to work in coal mines, and would still be raised by one of their parents. As tragic as it may be for the other parent, these kids are relatively fine with the other parent. Second, even if we have a rasha in our midsts, we should not discard our brothers; teach a lesson with a baseball bat if you must(not that I am recommending), but continue loving them. Even arovos have a place in our lulav bundle.
        Try to scream less, and to think more, my Hungarian(?) friend.

  4. BARUCH HASHEM!! They will finally get what they deserve. Let them stay in jail for as long as they live AMEN!!


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