Hamas Proposal: Week-Long Ceasefire In Exchange for List of Hostages

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The Hamas terrorist group is offering a ceasefire lasting one week, though it does not include any conditions for the release of hostages. On the fourth day of the ceasefire, Hamas intends to present a list of hostages it claims it can release, in accordance with Israel’s demand, according to a report by Kan News.

Up to this point, Israel has requested a list of hostages categorized as humanitarian cases, but Hamas has not provided such a list, stating that it does not possess the necessary information. The proposed week-long ceasefire would allegedly give Hamas time to collect details about the remaining hostages.

Foreign sources suggest that Hamas is not tying the ceasefire to conditions such as the withdrawal of Israeli Defense Forces from Gaza or the return of displaced residents to their homes.

These sources also indicate that Israel will decide by the end of the seventh day whether to accept the list of hostages presented by Hamas. If Israel rejects the list, the IDF will resume its military operations in Gaza.

Palestinian Arab sources assert that Hamas is aware of the location of most of the hostages but is seeking to buy more time. The main obstacles to implementing this ceasefire agreement currently center on the number of hostages to be released and the definition of the hostages as humanitarian cases.

{Matzav.com Israel}


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