Hamas Threatens Violence if Israel Doesn’t Meet Demands for Advanced Coronavirus Equipment

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As fears rise of a major coronavirus outbreak in Gaza, a senior Hamas official threatened violence against Israel if the terrorist group does not receive the equipment it wants to tackle the pandemic, Israel’s Channel 13 reported on Sunday.

“We are keeping the option of using ‘other tools’ if we fail to make Israel comply with our demands to receive medical equipment that will enable us to deal with the coronavirus crisis,” said Khalil al-Hayya on Sunday.

“We will not allow any Palestinian in the Gaza Strip to die from coronavirus because of the Gaza blockade,” he fumed. “We are putting pressure on Israel through mediators to allow the entry of tools and equipment into Gaza.”

“All options are open to force Israel to allow medical equipment to enter Gaza,” al-Hayya added.

Israel does not ban the transfer of medical equipment to Gaza, and has facilitated the passage of thousands of testing kits and masks. Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories regularly posts details of such transfers.


According to Channel 13, citing anonymous Palestinian sources, Hamas is also demanding ventilators and other advanced medical equipment from Israel and is willing to agree to a prisoner exchange deal in order to receive it.

Gaza’s terrorist rulers are holding two Israeli citizens hostage in Gaza, as well as the bodies of two IDF soldiers killed in 2014’s Operation Protective Edge.

On Saturday, Hamas senior political leader Ismail Haniyeh said, “Because of coronavirus, we are ready to negotiate a prisoner exchange deal with Israel.”

Israel is reportedly open to considering a deal, but will not agree to Hamas demands to release prisoners with “blood on their hands” and others who have been given life sentences.

The Algemeiner   (c) 2019 .         Benjamin Kerstein



    • John kerry….
      Did giving back land ever help the situation will the United States states and give back land to Mexico and the Indians will the British give back land will Russia give back everything just the Jews should give back GTH. You sit behind your computer drinking a Coke and giving out free advice for a complicated situation that you have no idea what’s going on

  1. mah nishtana halayla hazeh? the jewish people are ba’alei chesed and have accepted gazans into their hospitals even as they are shooting at us. they threatened us before any of this G-d sent virus struck the world and now they threaten us if we dont meet their demands so that they can live to kill us, chas v’shalom, another day. so, again i ask mah nishtanah

  2. Why? So they can sell it and buy more missles and guns ??
    They don’t care, and they never did care, about their own people.
    Also, Iraq can supply them with plenty of “advanced anything”.


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