It’s enough to make your stomach turn.
A video taken yesterday, on Shabbos, shows two men, Donny Klarmann and Brandon Ebbs, driving in a vehicle in Lakewood, NJ and purposely dumping snow on two visibly Jewish men walking during yesterday’s blizzard.
The men – one of whom, Klarmann, is ostensibly employed by Waste Management – laugh out loud after depositing the fluffy white stuff all over the two pedestrians with the plow of their vehicle.
To make matters worse, the video was posted online by the perpetrators themselves, showing no remorse for this seeming anti-Semitic incident.
Matzav.com has reached out to Waste Management for comment on this despicable incident.
Golus R us
Clearly Waste Management doesn’t do a good job managing their waste!
They shouldn’t of been walking in the street while the City is trying to plow the roads. Dina dimalchusa Dina.
Whaaaat?? you cant be serious.
Guy shoots someone, you say, well he shouldn’t have been there.
You are nuts!
“shouldnt have” NOT “shouldn’t of”
You are an “ANTISEMITE” in the worst way. Maybe they were going home from Shul or shiur.
Mayme YOU should not be given or sold any food because you are using up the worlds resources and increasing the production of carbon in this planet?
Why are you trying to justify a blatant act of disregard for other human beings. Even if they weren’t Jewish pedestrians, it was cruel, and what law states that you can’t walk the streets when it’s snowing. They may not deserve to be fired, but they should certainly be reprimanded.
It doesn’t whether the people walking were Jewish or not, if it is against the law or not. You simply do not do what these idiots (or worse?) did. It could have gone wrong in so many ways, nevermind it just being a nasty (hateful?) thing to do. I am not Jewish but came here because I’m tired of seeing hateful things happening. A harmless prank? I think not. I am not in this person’s brain but his comment, “This one’s for you, JC”, seems pretty obvious. Someone below said, “The reality is that there is a sizable portion of the population that dislikes Jews. So why do some people get all upset when they see confirmation of this well established fact.” This saddens me that, yes, its true there are many stupid, frightening people in the world but even more so that some would say, “ehh, why are you surprised?”. People should ALWAYS be surprised and disgusted to see people treating others poorly–no matter who or what they a–because then there is reaction, hopefully to help correct the problem. Apathy results in nothing changing or improving. Things don’t go away by ignoring them. I’ll step off my soapbox now. Thank you for listening. One more thing, some one here hinted that he was probably a Trump supporter. Well, I don’t know what he is but I am one and I nor ANYONE I know would have done anything like that (or worse). Not all non-Jews dislike or hate you–I’m one that doesn’t . Blessings to you and yours
@Mask up. Your understanding of what dina d’malchusa dina means is common among amei ha’aretz. It does not mean we must abide by laws the malchus makes in regard to what one may or may not do. It means that if the malchus makes a din, as in a din mamon, such as it declares that a certain debt exists, such as taxes, then the debt is a valid debt according to the torah. And so if the malchus gives a yid the right to this debt one must pay the tax to the yid al pi torah. Another example is that if the malchus says that if a seller signs over his deed to a buyer the “din” is it belongs to the buyer, that this “din” is valid according to the torah. This is why we can transfer property through a deed despite the fact that according to the torah property cannot be transferred through a deed.
Exactly. Thank you. That is why I didn’t get vaccinated (it’s not the “law”. Only recommend) and that’s why I never wear a mask. A filthy lowlife pervert reprobate member of Congress or Senate does NOT set the dina dimalchusa dina. Vihoraya, these filthy politicians don’t wear masks and only take saline solutions.
It’s good that you are concerned about דינא דמלכותא.
תבוא עליך ברכה.
אין הכי נמי pedestrians should not walk in the street unnecessarily, if איכא דרכא אחרינא, but in a big storm, if there is a שעת הדחק, different regulations apply. If the vehicle could have passed them easily, as appears from the clip, it should have done so. Or it could have honked to clear the way for it.
No wonder your name is ‘mask up’….
what are you saying if you don’t know Halacha don’t quote one. If you notice the guy accelerates so more snow is dumped on the 2 Jews second of all we’re not debating a law here and I think it’s a little disgusting of you to quote a Halacha to validate a antisemite so just remember who you are defending
That is a stupid comment. Are you able to tell where the sidewalk is in the middle of this blizzard?
Purim is coming. Funny stuff.
It doesn’t seem that they did anything purposely, they are just doing their job. I think they would laugh if it was anyone else also since they are low people..
Even if they didn’t do anything purposely once they posted it online it was a statement
The reality is that there is a sizable portion of the population that dislikes Jews. So why do some people get all upset when they see confirmation of this well established fact.
This is an act that is clearly indefensible. Their plow was raised and they lowered it just in time to do this. It is below the level of an immature prank. In the snow citizens are nice to each other. They yield and give the road to each other. The amount of snow poured on them is dangerous and extremely hostile.
His online profile says he did it for “JC.” Sounds pretty anti-Semitic to me.
Mask up, I assume from your name that you are either serious about your comment or that you are playing by taking the shita of the “mask up” crowd to the next level.
Some idiots will always cover up for the non-Jews, and blame their own, especially if they’re orthodox…
Dina dmalchusa indeed…
Maybe they were trying to be mezakeh them with גלגול שלג.
Do they look like Biden supporters?
Anti semites on both sides.
Are the non jews against u in Tom’s river etc. Democrats!
In Monroe who are against u?
Both parties infested with anti jews.
That’s the emes!
I hope these workers were arrested for assault, as well as losing their jobs.
The township should renegotiate its contract….with a different provider.
They are not contacted with lakewood township per the mayor. Seems they were passing through.
Walking during a state of emergency, how can they even slow down? Now to hit them with a hate crime? Common
He kinda looks like my sister.