HATE IN THE WINDY CITY: Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov, Shul Vandalized

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CHICAGO – A Chicago shul and Jewish school were defaced with swastikas and antisemitic graffiti on Sunday, and a Jewish community group said that other Jewish locations in the neighborhood were also targeted this weekend, Fox32Chicago reports.

On Sunday afternoon, Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High School and FREE Synagogue in the West Ridge neighborhood were vandalized. A man walking nearby into davening was verbally assaulted.

The attack on FREE and Hanna Sacks were just the latest in a weekend of targeted antisemitic attacks, including broken windows at Kol Tuv on West Devon and Tel Aviv Bakery on West Devon.



  1. This was Chicago’ crystal nacht. We know the pattern. They start with property and then go on to the people.
    The train/EL has left the station.
    Let’s not keep this a scecret . Someone please let the world know.

  2. It’s time to sell your nursing homes and leave Chicago especially Peterson Park and move here to Israel period you had a good chance in 2017 and 18 but you blew it period Sell the homes and get going.,.

    • And whom will the Israeli meshulachim go to, if the nursing home owners sell their businesses, and move to Eilat, where it doesn’t snow?


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