President Donald Trump has projected more than open borders, chaotic crime in Democrat-run cities, massive inflation, and the unwinding of energy independence under President Joe Biden.
He also called his shot this past June on anti-Trump host Chris Wallace leaving Fox News.
Trump projected Wallace’s eventual ouster in a scathing statement from his Save America PAC:
“Why does Fox News keep Chris Wallace? His ratings are terrible, he’s ‘almost’ radical left, he was acknowledged to have failed badly as a presidential debate moderator (except for Biden who he totally protected!), and so much else. Usually, these are not the qualities of a long-term stay!”
© 2021 Newsmax
Wow. Mamesh a Navi.
Leave Trump alone already. I think between Biden and Trump most people would take a senile president then a deranged president. Trump keeps up this narrative of stolen election ad nauseam. He will single handily give Stacy Abrams the governorship in Georgia because he’s angry at Gov Kemp for not finding the missing votes.
Trump is a crazy person.I wish he would disappear and let Desantos take over.
> tell the truth
> “narrative of stolen election”
You mean the way the Democrats and their media propagandists spent four full years on the narrative (and still defend the narrative) of the Russian collusion hoax and Trump’s alleged stolen election? In fact, not only are they still talking about Bush’s alleged stolen first term election – some are even talking even about an alleged stolen second term.
Crazy person???? LOL. That’s funny. Perhaps you don’t like how he says things but he is arguably the greatest American President in our country. His accomplishments are able to be listed and articulated therefore outstanding. His Agenda of America first restored our pride and economy. He always was and still is consistent, productive, on target and someone who gets things done. He is not a politician.
The TDS (Trump Deranged Syndrome) you guys have is comical. TDS sufferers ignore reality and facts and instead focus on emotions and feelings. Oy. Boo hoo. Trump made me feel bad sniffle sniffle. He’s a bad man.
he may have been the best president in american history but he IS still crazy
and now fox has no more real journalists. just “tv personalities”. a sad day for news
Put your mask back on.