HE DOESN’T STOP: Fauci Warns Of Potentially ‘Dangerous’ COVID Uptick During Holidays

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Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday warned that it was not too late to prevent a potentially “dangerous” uptick in cases around the holidays if more Americans quickly get vaccinated. With U.S. cases rising again to nearly 100,000 per day, Fauci said Americans should get vaccinated or receive their boosters before any holiday traveling, 1010 WINS reports.

“We still have about 60 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who have not been, and that results in the dynamic of virus in the community that not only is dangerous and makes people who are unvaccinated vulnerable, but it also spills over into the vaccinated people,” Fauci said on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday.

Fauci praised the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for recommending boosters for all adults on Friday and said that expanded vaccine availability to children ages 5 and older is another powerful tool to help fight the spread.

“We have a lot of virus circulating around. You can’t walk away from the data, and the data show that the cases are starting to go up, which is not unexpected when you get into a winter season,” Fauci said. “People start to go indoors more and we know that immunity does wane over time.”



  1. Fauci is a publicity hound whose statements are meant to keep himself in the public’s eye. He has lost all credibility.

    Personally I am a strong pro-vaxxer, but Fauci has muddied the waters and with his contradictory and false statements has given the anti-vaxxers reason to justify their nonsensical belief in distrusting the vaccine.

  2. Stop the lies already! Getting vaccinated does NOT stop the spread of Covid, nor does it prevent the person from contracting the virus. All it (possibly) does is help the person that contracts it to fight the virus better. All that being (known and) said, forcing people to take the vaccine is useless, evil and ludicrous! When is all of this going to STOP?! The vaccine should be just like the flu shot – VOLUNTARY to anyone that wants it – END OF STORY!!!!!


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