HERE WE GO AGAIN: More Hezbollah Comms Devices Explode Across Beirut, Southern Lebanon

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More communications devices used by Hezbollah terrorists exploded on Wednesday afternoon across the group’s main stronghold in Beirut and in Southern Lebanon, Reuters reported, citing a security source.

The Hezbollah devices that exploded on Wednesday afternoon are hand-held radios, the Lebanese source told the press agency.

At least one of the blasts took place in the vicinity of a funeral for terrorists killed on Tuesday, when thousands of Hezbollah pagers detonated all over the country, according to eyewitness reports.


    • It’s actually debated if the region of Lebanon, closer to the modern state is actually חוץ לארץ, but a different משל is that Hashem gave these people a chance to leave the cult of the Ayotollah/Hezbollah. These people, who were injured in the second round, are basically people who didn’t do the right thing when they HAD a chance.

      May we all do תשובה this week!!


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