HERE WE GO AGAIN: Quebec Shutting Down Schools, Bars, Gyms, And More As COVID-19 Cases Soar

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Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé announced today that starting at 5 p.m., schools, bars, casinos, gyms and other similar venues will be closed as the Omicron COVID-19 variant continues to surge in the province, which saw 4,571 new cases – a record daily high on Dec. 20, Global News reports.

Restaurants will also be restricted to operating between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. daily. While gyms and spas are being closed, Dube said personal care services would not be closed.

Elementary and secondary schools and adult centers will be closed. But elementary facilities will be kept accessible until the holiday break to continue distributing rapid tests and continue operation of the province’s vaccination campaign. The return to class will be Jan. 10.

In addition to closures, Dube also announced that working from home would be mandatory for most businesses.




    • Nobody?? Have you researched every country and every hospital? An honest person would write “very few people”. As with every virus out there, some people have gotten very sick. Just not enough to warrant any restrictions etc.

    • It’s all over the world and has got absolutely nothing to do with anyone getting sick from Omicron or from any other variant since the non-existent fake coronavirus began. Somebody earlier wrote a fantastic comment explaining logically what’s it’s all about. Gonna look for it in a minute. It was reported yesterday that the US will also be shutting down schools and probably so will the rest of the world as the lockdowns worldwide will begin again. I assume it’s because the “draining of the swamp” is coming to an end and as President Trump hinted he’s coming back soon.

      Here it is. Read comment #1 a fantastic explanation of all this meshugas which makes much more sense than some bogus virus which nobody has:

    • >>> hopefully the police will work from home

      When that happens, your long-lost relatives from Minneapolis will be working in _your_ home.

  1. We should be doing this in NYC. Record numbers of cases.

    It is amazing how many commenters put convenience above life. This is supposed to be a forum in which people have Torah values, and preserving life overrides convenience.

    • How can you preserve life if you poison yourself with deadly jabs that hundreds of thousands have already died from or had severe adverse reactions for life?

  2. Limaaseh, Mario Lemieux was the best all time player in the NHL. With all due respect to Gretzky, who had great teammates to help him along, Lemieux pretty much won back to back Stanley Cups by himself. Yeh, he got a little help from Jaromír Jágr. If not for him having Hodgkin’s, he would of broken every record out there.


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