Heroes: Israel Doctors Save Baby Whose Mother Died In Labor

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“We’ve got to get this baby out – NOW.”

Tension and adrenaline filled the delivery room last month, as doctors fought to save 22-year-old Esther Blau’s unborn child. Esther had come in for her second birth and was treated as a typical young patient. When she collapsed and her vitals began to drop, the race began to deliver her son.

The child was born healthy and is now 2 weeks old. Esther, however, tragically passed away.

Her husband, Yoel Blau is now left with two children ( a 1-year-old and a newborn) who will never know their mother. The child’s bris was emotional for everyone present. His name is Yaakov Yeshaya.

Money is being collected to help the Blau children and their father. Esther’s medical debts put them in a difficult position, and Yoel works a regular blue-collar job. Donations will go toward paying their basic bills and helping the young father provide for his children’s futures. 

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