After Lebanon’s national power outage due to a lack of fuel to run the country’s last remaining power plant, Hezbollah is facing criticism over it’s role in Lebanon’s energy crisis.
The power outage in recent days had a huge impact on Lebanese infrastructure, with power being needed for critical facilities such as sewage and water, with Lebanon’s water authority urging users to conserve water.
A report on the Saudi network “Al Arabiya highlighted how Hezbollah’s influence has deeply entrenched itself in the energy sector in Lebanon. Hezbollah has controlled the Ministry of Energy in Lebanon since 2005. The Hezbollah affiliated LIQUIGROUP company in Lebanon has conducted operations to smuggle fuel into Syria and evade US sanctions. The company has also engaged in money laundering, and has operated in a cartel like manner with approval from the Lebanese authorities.
While ordinary Lebanese citizens dealing with the effects on an economic crisis , Hezbollah undoubtedly has vast quantities of fuel saved up in it’s terror facilities and terror tunnels, for use in a war against Israel.
The guardian of Israel has his unexpected ways of dealing with his enemies
That’s all that bothers the Lebanese people? Shame on them! That they’ve willingly allowed this horrendously barbaric terrorist organization to set up home in their land: I’m sorry! Now they’ll have to eat the fruits of the vegetation that they’ve sown. If only more infrastructure damage can ensue, maybe they’ll join the fight and rid their land of ruin of this cancerous vermin. And let Lebanon thrive again and live – well not side by side – but north and south with their neighbors in a neighborly fashion.
Power outage due to a lack of fuel, uh huh!