Hillary Clinton Backs Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton endorsed an impeachment inquiry into President Trump, telling People magazine in an excerpt published Tuesday that she believed it was the appropriate response to allegations Trump pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son.

“I’m in favor of moving toward impeachment,” she told the magazine. “I did not come to that decision easily or quickly, but this is an emergency, as I see it. … This latest behavior around Ukraine, trying to enlist the president of Ukraine in a plot to undermine former Vice President Biden or lose the military aid he needs to defend against Trump’s friend, Vladimir Putin — if that’s not an impeachable offense, I don’t know what is.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Just another reason why Jeff Sessions must be arrested and thrown in prison. Dereliction of duty. The fact that Hillary Clinton is walking around as a free woman with the ability to get behind a CNN microphone is all the little corrupt Jeff Sessions fault. Jeff’s hatred for the American voters is appalling.

    • Have you seen the actually Hillary Clinton behind a CNN microphone? Really? Had she gone touring anywhere lately? FYI she’s DEAD! as DEAD as can be. Had she been around, you’d have heard from her loud and clear like the first 2 years of Trump’s presidency.

  2. Had Hillary been around she’d been seen at Costco selling her What Happened books and signing them. Sorry Fake News, most of us already know that she’s no where near giving an opinion on anything.

    • what is with you??? you keep posting these ridiculous posts about Hillary and Biden that they are not around anymore. where are you getting this from??? listen to biden’s voice now and listen to his voice 20 years ago. it is the same. he is not an imposter. what kind of garbage are you spouting??? matzav why do you keep posting this guys comments?
      you are a conspiracy theorist to the highest degree.

      • From Real News which Mainstream Fake News is covering up for the naive sheeple.

        FYI Hillary and Biden actors only seem to speak with a microphone that has a voice modifying capability.

        Regarding the Bidens: Don’t you see with your own eyes the different features of the two? Look at the ears, the forehead, the body color, etc. Study a photo of each of the Bidens closely and you’ll see it. I noticed it instantly as soon as the actor came to power.
        In fact here is what NBC reported what President Trump said regarding Biden: “Now, I have to tell you, he’s a different guy. He looks different than he used to. He acts different than he used to. He’s even slower than he used to be.” How much clearer can he get????

        And the same goes for all those acting for Hillary.

    • Hillary is gearing up for another Presidential run. As we see, none of the current candidates have any real shot. Hillary will come riding in on her white horse to save the democrats and save the nation. This time she will easily win over Mike Pence (after impeachment) with an overwhelming majority.

  3. “if that’s not an impeachable offense, I don’t know what is.”
    What about hiring people to get info on Trump from Russia? Sounds familiar Hillary? You can’t be impeached for that offense, because you were never elected (and never will be) to be President – but you belong in jail for that alone. Of course there are many other reasons that you should be rotting in jail.
    And you have the chutzpa to talk impeachment for President Trump.!!

  4. This is news? News would be if she didn’t endorse his impeachment.

    She hates this guys guts and is suffering from an advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  5. Hey Hill, when your BillyBoy was impeached, the menuval, mechutziff even boasted! One sick family! Even Chelsea married a Jew – another sick thing! It’s bad enough I have to take Clinton St. when I go to Ikea Brooklyn.

  6. please provide some links. i am really curious to see what you see.
    why would it be worth anyone effort and expense to have a fake biden anyway??????? or a fake Hillary????????
    i can’t believe we are actually having this crazy convo


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