Hillary Clinton: If Trump Wins in 2024, It ‘Could Be the End of Our Democracy’

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic Party nominee for president, said Sunday on NBC’s “Today” that if former President Donald Trump won the presidency in 2024, it “could be the end” of U.S. democracy, Breitbart reports.

Clinton said, “If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again. He seems to be setting himself up to do that, and if he’s not held accountable, then he gets to do it again. I think that could be the end of our democracy. Not to be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point. If he or someone of his ilk were once again to be elected president, and if especially if he had a Congress that would do his bidding, you will not recognize our country.”

She added, “I tried to warn people. I tried to make the case that this was really dangerous — the people he was allied with, what they were saying, what he might do. I do think, but for Jim Comey and the stunt he pulled 10 days before the election, I would have won. I feel terrible about not stopping him and the people around him, but I feel like now everybody can see for themselves what kind of leader he is.”

Clinton added, “Clearly, there were people who liked what they saw, despite what I see as the real dangers to our country. They turned out and voted for him. And he’s trying to get it set up so that will happen again for him, even as he loses, as he did twice the popular vote.”



  1. Hillary Clinton: If Trump Wins in 2024, It ‘Could Be the End of Our Democracy’

    I despise Trump but the refusal of the Democrats to accept the fact that he won and their endless efforts to get rid of him during his presidency ,including an impeachment trial based on lies (with no major punishment for those who made up the Steele Dossier) is a lot more of a threat to democracy than Trump.

    Trump is a jerk. The Democrats are looking to make legal precedent to get rid of elected officials you don’t like. And then they wonder why Trump supporters believe the election was stolen

    • You couldn’t have said it better. I do think however, Trump is acting like an immature baby rather than a statesman. He’s only hurting himself and other republicans. At this point I can’t say I’ll vote for him again. I think he’s deranged.

  2. Does the Clintonian version of democracy include dynastic succession to the Presidency, which she attempted numerous times, non-citizens voting, criminals of correct ethnicity and skin color allowed to roam freely, while terrorizing and destroying US cities, without the slightest fear of consequences, unchecked invasion of the country through barely guarded borders, by the lowest elements of foreign nations, forced indoctrination on race and gender, abominable “marriage” rights placed over religious beliefs, and wanton killing of the unborn in the holy name of personal choice?
    What about spying on one’s political opponents, and spreading lies? The only democratic part thereof was her well deserved losing the election.
    Miss multiple-times Former should be the last person to preach about democracy.

    • Wow, the most comprehensive take on the state of the nation under the boot of the fascist left which was first implemented when the Clinton crime family resided in the White house.

  3. This is the way the Democrats are trying go stay in power . Use scare tactics about what will happen if Trump or anyone like him wins again. That way you can ignore what a horrible job they are doing.

    It used to be they only made such claims about Trump. Now it is about anyone “like him” You can be sure that we will be told about whoever wins the Republican primary that whatever was said about Trump applies to him . Even if Trump is dead by then.

    • Absolutely:- You dirty evil wicked liar hillary, go to prison & get locked up with your 33,000 bleached emails. sleepy joe right now is causing the end of our democracy.
      בע”ה President Donald Trump’s return to the Oval office come Noon 1/20/2025 is what it shall take to save our democracy.

  4. Oh, I see. she would rather see bail reform be the law of the land.
    would rather see BLM & Antifa take over the country and burn it to the ground.

  5. PLEASES STOP posting about this machsheifa who was b”H coronavirused almost 3 years ago. Had she still been around she wouldn’t have worn the old dress she wore over 5 years ago.

  6. “It ‘Could Be the End of Our Democracy’”! Funny. This reminds me of stalin. He once said, Russia is a democracy, you see, I want to be pm and I am. What could be more democracy than this!

    Hilly, your democracy you can keep to yourself and your fellow intolerant liberals. The rest of the country wants real democracy. If they choose trump then too bad. Same would have been if they would’ve chosen you. But they didnt.

  7. Hillary should go back to investing in cattle futures. At least over there, she was extremely successful. I’ll even go to prison again to cover up for her.

  8. What a cry baby!
    She cheated during that election by wiping her computer system and having Comey declare that it was just a mistake.
    She also framed Trump with phony Russian connection. If the truth came out ther is no way she could have won.

    Trump is now OCD over his loss and delusional. He appears to have lost his mind when he lost the election (fairly or not).
    Should the Democrats put up anyone half decent in 2024, Trump won’t stand a chance. He might win the Republican nomination, but not the election.


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